What's your caloric intake?

I'm moderately active and recovering from an ED so my daily calorie intake is about 800-900. What is your average calorie intake?


  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I understand your recovering from an ED so you are sensitive and probably scared to eat more at this point, but 800-900 is still too low for someone who is moderatly active. Please try to get it up to 1200 at least, please.

    my daily life is also moderatly active, and I do workout 5-6 days a week, and I'm eating between 1600-2000 calories a day and I lose between .5-1 pound a week.
  • mgpearce4
    mgpearce4 Posts: 71
    I go for 1400-1500. I exercise about 5-6 days a week (heavy cardio) and try burn between 400 and 600 calories.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Currently at 2250. When I was in weight loss I was eating around 1900
  • hush404
    hush404 Posts: 95 Member
    I like to keep it between 1500-1800, Even though MFP currently sets up my limit at almost 2500 for my goals, I tend to find if I'm eating right, that much feels excessive.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Trying to lose and I'm only moderately active, so it's between 1350 - 1490, and I eat some of my exercise calories back most days.
  • tegalicious
    tegalicious Posts: 629
    I hope you are working with a medical professional to gradually up your calories because you are still eating too little. But hopefully you know that and are working to change that :). To answer your question.... I am eating roughly 2200-3500/day depending on my activity for the day but I am also at maintenance. I lost weight when I ate 2000/day. I am small too. 5'3" and small frame.
  • hitsnooze
    hitsnooze Posts: 79
    usually about 1400 depending on how much exercise i've done, but i'm not too strict about it. hang in there buddy, it's hard for a long time, it might get even harder sometimes, but eventually it's not so hard. eating 1200 is terrifying i know, but you'll have to do it eventually
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I hope you are working with a medical professional to gradually up your calories because you are still eating too little. But hopefully you know that and are working to change that :). To answer your question.... I am eating roughly 2200-3500/day depending on my activity for the day but I am also at maintenance. I lost weight when I ate 2000/day. I am small too. 5'3" and small frame.

    This ^^^^^^
  • NoMoreStretchyPants
    I eat so much I scare myself :) I usually average about 1700 cals/day on the days I work out..sometimes more. On my rest days, between 1500-1600. I also have a cheat meal every week. Tonight I am going to dinner with a friend and will more than likely chow down at least 3,000 cals! I eat every 2-3 hours so that I can keep hunger at bay.

    Don't be afraid to eat - it's a scary thing for a lot of people who think less is the way to fat loss, but it's not - it's the way to losing lean muscle. One of my MFP friends has a great post (and it's the reason I friended him in the first place). I hope it helps you:

  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I'm moderately active and recovering from an ED so my daily calorie intake is about 800-900. What is your average calorie intake?

    ...I have almost that much for breakfast. When you say you are recovering are you implying you were eating less than that? Wow. :noway: Good luck with your recovery...eat more. If you're active your body needs WAY more than that.

    I'm currently on 3,545 a day and gaining about half a pound a week. I'd maintain my weight at about 3200. If I wanted to lose weight aggressively I'd go down to about 2900.

    I get about 7 hours of exercise a week of which about 4.5 is strength training. My life otherwise is rather quite as I work from home. This probably qualifies as 'moderately active'

    Edit: Note I'm a 6 foot tall 185 pound male, I'm not saying you need 3k calories/day. But even for a small female 800 is really really low.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I have a pretty wide range to accommodate my ups and downs (1000-2200) + workout calories,2200 being my current resting daily expenditure. However, I average around 1400-1500 on most days.
  • stormyxpony
    stormyxpony Posts: 157 Member
    I'm eating like 1200 but MFP says 1590.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I'm eating 2600 but MFP says "NOOOOOOOOO do not so it!!!!"
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    1500-1700, with some wiggle room for exercise. I do zumba twice a week and go running/do other cardio two or three times a week, depending on how my schedule goes. I just realized I've been overestimating my salmon calories by nearly twice, though, so I've actually, realistically, probably been much lower? Upping that a little this week.
  • atfirstblush
    atfirstblush Posts: 88 Member
    I'm eating 1200 to 1350 calories per day and that is just about right for me. I use the treadmill for 45 to 60 minutes a day at a fast walk 3.8 and I'm losing weight fairly easily.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I've lost 43 lbs in almost 4 months and I eat 1,550 calories a day. It would be much healthier for you to eat more calories, if you are able to. Take care and I hope you do well in recovery.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1700, I've never eaten under 1600.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    If you are only eating 800-900, you are not in recovery, sorry. Recovery means eating enough to gain to a healthy weight, as well as undergoing treatment to deal with the underlying issues. And I speak as someone who was anorexic, and severely so.

    To answer your question, I eat between 2100 and 2800 calories a day. And I am losing weight.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    If you are only eating 800-900, you are not in recovery, sorry. Recovery means eating enough to gain to a healthy weight, as well as undergoing treatment to deal with the underlying issues. And I speak as someone who was anorexic, and severely so.

    To answer your question, I eat between 2100 and 2800 calories a day. And I am losing weight.

    Took the words right out of my mouth. Going from extreme starvation to moderate starvation does not mean you are in recovery. You definitely should be working with a team of professionals, and probably shouldn't be using sites like MFP when you are in this vulnerable state. Good luck, and take care of your body.