Water or Not?

Hi! I have recently started on this new lifestyle. I drink 1-2 cups per day of coffee and I also drink a can of Diet Coke and then water. I generally have 80 ounces of plain water. However, I have recently started adding in some crystal light or having a clear sparkling water beverage from Kroger.
What are your thoughts on what counts as water?

Thank you for your help!


  • katiespencer1987
    katiespencer1987 Posts: 6 Member
    Bubbly drinks make me bloated so I try to avoid them. I love coffee and drink probably way too much of it, but I do drink a ton of water. I read an article or a blog (can't remember which) of the Jillian Michaels detox drink.Not really sure if it is really something that she came up with, but it is awesome and I tweaked it a bit. Get a big pitcher fill it with 60 oz of water, add two cups of brewed dandelion tea, a splash of pure lemon juice, and pure cranberry juice. It took a bit to get used to the taste because it was a little bitter, but I love it now. When I finish the pitcher I drink just regular water or green tea the rest of the day. It almost taste like a lemonade. When I finish the cranberry juice I am going to try different kinds of juices to put it. I have heard of people putting a splash of pure fruit juice or actual fruit into water to give some extra flavor.
  • Reshaping_me
    Bubbly drinks make me bloated so I try to avoid them. I love coffee and drink probably way too much of it, but I do drink a ton of water. I read an article or a blog (can't remember which) of the Jillian Michaels detox drink.Not really sure if it is really something that she came up with, but it is awesome and I tweaked it a bit. Get a big pitcher fill it with 60 oz of water, add two cups of brewed dandelion tea, a splash of pure lemon juice, and pure cranberry juice. It took a bit to get used to the taste because it was a little bitter, but I love it now. When I finish the pitcher I drink just regular water or green tea the rest of the day. It almost taste like a lemonade. When I finish the cranberry juice I am going to try different kinds of juices to put it. I have heard of people putting a splash of pure fruit juice or actual fruit into water to give some extra flavor.

    Thanks for sharing! I appreciate your thoughts :)
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I only consider water to be water.
    When you add those drink mixes you are adding other chemicals to your body, and thats not the idea.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Nothing but water counts as water. However, the recommended water intake includes foods that have water IN them. You get plenty of water from vegetables and fruits, as well as coffee, tea etc so you don't need to drink 8 glasses of water in addition to all of that as long as you are getting plenty of fluids. Judging by thirst is a good way to go as well! The recommendations for pure water aren't supported by any scientific evidence and everything with water in it counts towards water intake. Other factors to take into account are water losses from sweating so if you work out a lot you'll need extra fluids to replace that water loss.

  • Reshaping_me
    Thank you for the comments!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Coffee and caffeinated sodas definitely don't count as water intake because caffeine is a diuretic and serves to dehydrate you, not hydrate you. Regular water, flavored water, juice, milk, etc can all count towards your water consumption.
  • Meushichan
    Meushichan Posts: 82 Member
    I count my plain water, my "detox" water (water with chunks of cucumber, lemon, and sometimes mint), and my Crystal Light. But I do try and have at least 6 glasses of plain ole water every day.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Coffee and caffeinated sodas definitely don't count as water intake because caffeine is a diuretic and serves to dehydrate you, not hydrate you. Regular water, flavored water, juice, milk, etc can all count towards your water consumption.

    Not true. Caffeinated drinks still count towards water unless you're drinking large amounts of it at one time (300mg - most cups of coffee only contain up to 200mg). This is also not true for people who drink caffeine regularly. See this article: http://www.discovergoodnutrition.com/2012/09/plain-water-get-your-8-glasses-a-day/