4 day weight drop....back up again?

I was just curious if this has happened to anyone else. Last week, after years of battling the same couple of pounds, my weight dramatically dropped from 149/150 to 144. For 3 days it was down at this weight and I couldn't freaking believe it. 145 has been my goal weight since....oh, I dunno....2009! I realize it's just a number....it just felt like I wasn't chasing my goal anymore. I had finally done it. Didn't know why it happened, and didn't post it at first....but for a few days it stayed there and I was thrilled.

Cut to 4 days later and it's back up again to 150. Kept it low sodium and drank lots of water just in case that was it.....nope. 150. 150. 150.

WHYYYYY??? It won't go back down, I promise you. I'm stuck here again. Has this happened to anyone else? It's MADDENING.

Only change was a huge pork based food event I went to Sunday night. We ate pork dishes til the cows came home...next day up from the massive sodium bomb of bacon....and then swoosh...144.

Hormonally I don't know if there is a connection? Been 80 days since TOM joined the party. Went that long the two months prior.


  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    I was just curious if this has happened to anyone else. Last week, after years of battling the same couple of pounds, my weight dramatically dropped from 149/150 to 144. For 3 days it was down at this weight and I couldn't freaking believe it. 145 has been my goal weight since....oh, I dunno....2009! I realize it's just a number....it just felt like I wasn't chasing my goal anymore. I had finally done it. Didn't know why it happened, and didn't post it at first....but for a few days it stayed there and I was thrilled.

    Cut to 4 days later and it's back up again to 150. Kept it low sodium and drank lots of water just in case that was it.....nope. 150. 150. 150.

    WHYYYYY??? It won't go back down, I promise you. I'm stuck here again. Has this happened to anyone else? It's MADDENING.

    Only change was a huge pork based food event I went to Sunday night. We ate pork dishes til the cows came home...next day up from the massive sodium bomb of bacon....and then swoosh...144.

    Hormonally I don't know if there is a connection? Been 80 days since TOM joined the party. Went that long the two months prior.

    Weight fluctuations are very common and can be down to so many things. Possibilities include water loss or eating less for a few days of having no appetite. I guess the best thing would be to look at anything you did differently the few days either side of the reduction. It could even just be a glitch with your scale. I've had my weight go down by a few lbs after drinking alcohol and being out dancing all night - dehydration.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Water weight can happen.
    I've jumped all over the place in just a week before.
    Use the number as a guide, but not as a one size fits all determination of your goals.

    I've found that my measurements are far more accurate and an indicator of my progress, rather than a number on a scale.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I agree. This was just a 6 pound drop. One that has never happened before, and stayed for a few days. I fluctuate a pound or so...but this was totally random and dramatic,
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    This hasn't happened to anyone else?:frown: