I'm not losing weight. Help me.

For the past month and a half, I have been stuck between 260 and 262 pounds. January I started at 282 pounds. The calories my fitness pal tells me to eat is 1700 calories a day. My personal trainer friend told me to up my calories because that was too low. She told me to up them to 2300 but I think that is super high. So I have been around the 1900 to 2000 mark and still no signs of weight loss. Still teetering between those 2 pounds. I work out 30 minutes every day. I either do Turbo Jam or 30 day shred. Some days I eat my calories from exercise back and sometimes I don't. Depends on how hungry I get at night. I dropped my carb intake to no more than 2 pieces of bread a day or one piece of bread and one small potato. Is there something more that I can do? Am I doing something wrong? Help me :( I want to be in the 250s so bad.
