Can't do it alone :-(

I'm finding it really hard doing it alone, I was 148lb back last year, I'm now upto 166lb :-( I used to go to slimming world where I lost 4stone and got to target
Since then I got a full time job I have 3 kids
I like getting weighed in the mornings and since having my fulltime job I couldn't so gave it up tried calorie counting and it's gone to pot!!
Thinking about going back to slimming world but not sure if I can manage going to an evening class.

I have no willpower


  • kfdevlin
    kfdevlin Posts: 3
    You are right you can't do it alone - we all have the same goal here. Look at the success stories. One thing thats worked for me is posting motivational tips for myself on my treadmill. When i want to give up i look down and I've literally told myself to KEEP MOVING. So just keep moving!
  • suenewberry81
    suenewberry81 Posts: 241 Member
    I don't smoke I don't drink so I think my addiction is food :-( I'm trying so hard to exercise more, I've started the gym etc... I think with a group they tell you how much to eat, with calories it's trial and error and finding the right balance, if I don't lose one week I go well off the rails :-(
    Going to keep going I think until after Easter and see from there xx
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If you gained the weight back from Slimming World, is it really going to be different if you go back? It clearly didn't offer a long term permanent solution.

    Rather than embarking on another 'diet', find a healthy lifestyle that works for you, that you can maintain forever.

    Read this highly informative post to get you started:
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Try getting a activity tracking device like a fitbit, body media or whatever. I got a body media arm band and it help motivate me and gives me a pretty accurate idea of my daily TDEE so I no longer have to guess as to how many calories I should eat to create the deficit I want.