Running My First Half Marathon

So I'm running my first half marathon 6-29. The furthest distance I have ran at once is 7 miles. I have been running for about 2 years. There are so many training plans out there! The one I chose is a plan that starts out adding mileage each week up to 12 miles then tapers the last three weeks. Quite a few people I have talked to said that wish their longer distance had been over the 13.1. Most people say they hit a wall around 10 miles. So I have a couple questions.

1. Do you feel that 12 miles is a good distance for your longest run?

2. Do you have any tips for your first half marathon?

3. It will most likely be very hot. Any tips for the heat?

Thanks in advanced!


  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    No need to run more than 10, I ran 12.5 for my first half marathon and only 10 in training for the second and didn't see any benefit. A structured plan is what I suggest you follow, they work! Also even a slow 1/2 should take around 3 hours, so there should be no "wall" during the race! Just make sure to practice some fueling techniques during those training runs! I suggest a handheld water bottle during training in the heat. At this time of year I can go 6 miles without water, but come June I simply cannot! Most of all enjoy the training and enjoy the race!
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I got some Cliff Gel packets to try. I'm looking for a belt too! I think I will need at least two waterbottles for the race. I'm very excited to up my distance.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I didn't run more then 8 miles before my half in September. I didn't follow any plan or app. I had good days and bad days. I didn't know how my runs would go until I was out there and into my first few miles.

    You've been running for 2 years. You sooo got this. I started running in March 2013 and did my first half in September 2013. I admit I did running and walking for it. My best advice is to enjoy the training and the half. It was a life changing experience for me.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    I'm doing my first 1/2 in May. My longest training run will be 10 miles. I have to get some gels to try for fueling but I just bought a Camelbak knapsack/water bladder for water. I hate carrying things in my hands when I run, I also hate trying to drink while running and sometimes I don't want to stop to walk when I need water - if I'm in a great groove, it throws me off completely. This, I just have to put the sipper thing in my mouth. Plus it has pockets for keys, music, phone etc. I'll do my first run with it tomorrow. Hopefully, I don't find having something on my back annoying. Good luck on your race.
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    My longest distance before my first (only) half marathon was eight miles. I had planned to keep adding distance but I got sick and my lungs wouldn't let me run at all.

    I run on trails, with lots of hills, so it may be different for you but I would have been better off if I had been able to increase my distance to at least 10 miles. I finished the race feeling fine but the next day, my knee was in pain. I spent a lot of time and money rehabilitating my knee. Five months later and I'm just getting back to pain-free running.

    I'm running another half in October and I will make sure I can run 13 miles before then.