Any Suggested Foods on here?

Hello. Tomorrow will be my day 1. I can only have 1250 calories a day. Any suggested foods on here with low cal and getting good nutrients?


  • Virtually any fruit or vegetable is full of nutrients and is low in calories.

    Dark leafy greens like spinach or kale have more nutrients than iceberg lettuce though.

    There are a lot of low-calorie foods out there, it's all about reading labels and comparing. But don't deprive yourself of your favorite things either. If you really crave full-fat milk over skim just try and work it into your calorie goals. (Just an example)

    Good luck! : )
  • idc2003
    idc2003 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been trying to not eat after 8:00pm and I have found that I am always hungry after 8 no matter what I eat for dinner. So I have started making "green shakes" The best part is that they are not high in calories and they are really good.
    I get a bag of baby spinach, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries and whatever other frozen fruit I got.
    I also add in a Tb or 3 of ground flaxseed, great for fiber. and if you have to have the sugar get Agava necture, aka cactus honey. very good for you and easy to digest. also I put all that stuff into a blender and I use water or coconut water for the liquid. but if your going to use the magic bullet just size it down.

    ~ Good luck
  • Peacockbutterfly
    Peacockbutterfly Posts: 90 Member
    When I eat "whole foods" like lean meats and fruits and vegetables, I have no problem eating 1200 calories and feeling full. A whole cup of green will barely be any calories. Jazz it up with some lemon and you're on your way. I also had a smoothie with half greens and half fruit in it every day when I started to replace a meal. I do find that I have lost more weight by eating more and exercising more but that's just me. With time and proper logging and weighing your food you will figure out where you need to be calorie-wise to keep a proper deficit and not be hungry. Good luck!