What can I do to lose belly fat?

My waist is huge!! And I'm not exaggerating. I look about 6 months pregnant, okay maybe 7. I have another 50lbs to get to my goal weight of 125. I read that you can't spot reduce but I'm sure some of you have had some kind of success with losing the bulge :(

As for fitness etc I've been at a stand still, I used to ride my stationary bike. But now I've been doing more arm work because they really are losing tone. Any recommendations for ways to workout would be soooo helpful.
Thanks my fitness pals ;)


  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Calorie deficit, lift weights, some cardio and patience.
  • Rusty612
    Rusty612 Posts: 23 Member
    You can't really target-lose, but you can modify your diet to decrease the amount of bloating you may be experiencing. I find the cleaner I eat, the smaller my mid-section, regardless of weight.

    Try giving up refined carbs, sugars of all kinds, and really laying off the salt for three days - I'd be surprised if you didn't see a big difference (and feel better, too).

    Your body shape is also a factor - I've always gained weight in my stomach first. I know that stress (cortisol levels) affect fat retention in the midsection, but I really have seen results with what I choose to eat (or not eat).
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    1. Caloric deficit.
    2. Strength Training.
    3. Cardio.
    4. Patience.
    5. Time.
  • lynneph
    lynneph Posts: 1 Member
    Probiotics help tremendously. Along with cardio, light weight training, watch your carbs and eat more protein
  • screenerbabe
    screenerbabe Posts: 2 Member
    Incorporate MUFA's in your diet. It helps! Google it. Oh, and I agree with the Probiotics.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Tummy Tuck Belt
    I saw a commercial this morning about the tummy tuck belt. I ordered it. We"ll see if it works!?

    No, only a calorie deficit will burn fat. It will make your wallet smaller though.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Probiotics are great for intestinal health, but will do nothing for belly fat, nor will MUFA's, whatever that is??? There are no shortcuts and you can't spot reduce. See above advice.
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    1. Caloric deficit.
    2. Strength Training.
    3. Cardio.
    4. Patience.
    5. Time.

    Yeah, this ^^^. I really like the order of the steps, too. Repeat as necessary. I lost about 40 pounds of fat and gained about 3 pounds of lean mass doing exactly this. It took 2 years and there were extended plateaus from time to time. But this sequence is the only plan that worked in almost 30 years of struggling with weight loss.
  • Vicks1978
    Vicks1978 Posts: 81 Member
    i've had a seriously bloated stomach for eons, Ive taken up cycling recently and have found this has really helped my bloat go down and tone me up
    Good Luck :)