Broken toe = numb butt

I was doing pretty good with exercise after about 2 weeks so you can imagine my disappointment when the doctor showed me the xray of my broken big toe that was attacked by a bottle of vinegar. The doc says no walking, take it easy, give it time to heal. My butt is getting numb and I can hear those sneaky pounds bouncing off the walls looking for someplace to land. I'm sure they're aiming for my stomach.
The doc says I can't walk, which is what I do for exercise, for at least 3 weeks. So what do I do? How do I keep those conniving fatsters to stay off me?


  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    bike,,I biked all winter in doors with a broken bone in my foot,,but I also still went to my TKD class..dont tell my DR !!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I broke my foot in 2010 I just did chair exercises or for me it was couch exercises lol.........I would watch tv and use hand weights ...I know it sucks to be layed up but anything is better than nothing ...hope you have a speedy recovery....I was layed up for 8 weeks UGH
  • BritinItaly
    I've got an operation on my ankles coming up and I'm scared I will pile back on the weight I've l ost by being inactive and bored!
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I dropped a 7 pound weight plate on my big toe and I feel your pain. Mine was not broken, but the nail is still black (still on my toe) from about 3 months ago.

    Do some upper body work. I continued lifting (very careful with the plates) the whole time. I had to put running on the back burner for a few weeks. But there are things you can do to continue getting fit.

    The main thing is - if you can't keep up the normal pace of walking, you need to adjust your calories to reflect that. Gaining weight is about eating too many calories. If you stay in a calorie deficit, you should be fine.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I broke my toe for a 2nd time & still went running with it. 1st broken toe I was still walking with it.
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    Are you able to swim? Swimming is a great way to get in cardio and keep things low-impact.
  • Pusarah
    Pusarah Posts: 124 Member
    I thought I'd broken mine too yesterday. I went to the gym and tried to walk on the treadmill but it was so swollen in shoes that was out after a 5 min warmup. I ended up on the bike for almost the rest of the time and couldn't feel it until I got off I'd def agree with the biking. Strength training wasn't a problem either. I can walk ok as well if I'm not in shoes, so for home programs/videos at home (I do leslie sansone or other videos on youtube if I know I can't get to the gym), if you feel you can. Maybe you won't be able to do it until some of the pain wears off, but should be able to do things you find comfortable enough. Good luck! :)
  • cougarose
    Thank you all so much for the great ideas. I'd love to swim but there is no public pool anywhere near me and even when (if) the weather warms up I don't know of any lakes close by either so that's out. I do have a stationary bike that I've been riding but it doesn't seem like much of a workout to me. I can't even work up a sweat but I guess moving is better than nothing. I got some resistance bands but don't really know what to do with them. No exercises included in the box (isn't that smart?) and the ones I've found on Youtube are short basic things. I can't find a program or routine to do. So I'm doing a little and looking for more. Thanks everyone.
  • RobsGirl_lds
    What toe did you break? I broke both my pinkey toes in dec. they were at 90 degree angles from my foot. Once I was able to tape them an get them in shoes(3 days) I was back at the gym lifting heavy, just no cardio.