Day Off?

I have recently gotten serious about cutting down on my calories and logging every day. I've seen a lot of references to taking a day off per week from the lower calorie diet in weight loss columns and occasionally in the MFP forums (I've browsed some topics in the past couple of days). What are your thoughts on taking a day off? How does it affect weight loss and does it make weight loss more sustainable over the long term? If you do it, do you still limit your calories on that day (maybe to your 'maintain weight' calorie limit) and do you still log on that day?



  • Dougf90
    Dougf90 Posts: 95 Member
    Now, I just eat maintenance calories and still log. However when I was still considered morbidly obese, my off days were cheat days. It only worked on a week-to-week basis because my calories the other days were low enough. Both were sustainable. However, I never really plateaued like most people so maybe I'm not the right person to answer this. In my eyes, if I wasn't losing at any moment it's because there was an error in my calculations somewhere (my TDEE or my food logging). I know that's not the case in general, but just for myself.

    Is it beneficial to weight loss? Rest is nice! :smile: So I'd say so. If your calories are right I don't see it being a negative thing.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    it's all a game of averages. If you're, on average, not going over on your calories on that day off... then, like magic, you'll continue to lose. I think the question for a lot of folks is the self control in doing it just for one day.

    That said, if you're under for the week.. you'll lose. If you're over, you may not.
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    I went over by approx 1300 today because I enjoyed a chinese buffet. I logged it. I don't have specific 'cheat days' but I occasionally go way over when at a party, on vacation or out to eat/drink. It hasn't hindered my progress whatsoever.
  • fredman2
    fredman2 Posts: 57
    A 'day off' doesn't mean you should abandon everything you have been doing as far as watching what you eat.

    To ME, a 'day off' means I can eat one or two - or even three things I crave, but had cut out of my diet altogether.

    For example, I used to eat a swiss cheese mushroom burger, fries and Pepsi every other day - sometimes twice a day.
    I used to drink chocolate milk - HEAVY on the added Hershey's chocolate.
    I'd eat maybe 6 oz of cheddar cheese.

    For my 'day off' I would eat a swiss mushroom burger, but no fries and no Pepsi.
    I might indulge in 1 oz of cheddar.
    I might eat one glazed donut.
    I'd still skip the chocolate milk.
    But aside from that, to me, a 'day off' is not a license to go crazy and eat all the bad stuff you have gotten away from, just pick and choose what you WANT but don't go wacko with it.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    If you want to eat higher calories on occasion, go for it. Strict daily regulation is not the only path to weight loss. A high calorie day will slow your progress, because calories do matter. You want to keep it reasonable, not behave like a competitive eater all day. Lol
  • Dianemarie65
    Dianemarie65 Posts: 20 Member
    I think it depends on the person. I wouldn't keep your intake under 1200 cal/day or your body will go into starvation mode. For me when I am on a diet if I stick to the plan I am less likely to stray off my diet. I do think having a fun treat from time to time is OK but again this all depends upon the person. I tend to be habit driven. Once I start something and get in a routine it becomes much easier. Good luck. Remember each day is a new day.