Pasta Before Race is this true?!!!

So tomorrow I'm running a 10K with my friends and they made pasta, I ate like 1000 cals of just pasta... they said you must in order to have energy for the race.... I want to know how much truth is into this cuz I feel like maybe it wasn't necessary but then again I haven't done as many races as my friends have.... Any advice would help.... thank you :smile:


  • fredman2
    fredman2 Posts: 57
    I have read this too, about 'carb loading' before a run, but I don't know enough about carbs to have a personal opinion, as far as 'carbs' vs. 'complex carbs' go.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    There is some truth to carb loading before a race.
    That said, for that distance there isn't really a need to carb load. Plus carb loading is generally done several days prior to the race, not just the night before.
    Pasta dinners are pretty much a tradition the night before a race, a lot of races will offer one. I always enjoy one regardless if it actually helps me or not.