Crossfit - your experience

Hello all!

Anyone a Crossfitter?

I have always been a regular exerciser but my sessions have become less intense/regular since moving to Dubai last November as it is just too hot to run for long distances, and my gym isn't that well equipped so my workouts become quite routine.

There is a Crossfit place just round the corner which seems like a good way to get back in to group exercise and see results. However, I have to say I'm a little worried as I've heard it's pretty intense...

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • MelWilB137
    MelWilB137 Posts: 20 Member
    Before it gets ugly, I'll chime in with my 2 cents. :-)

    I have tried it a few times and found it to be a great workout- a lot of variety, functional movements, and you can scale it. I don't live near a center, and so I don't go regularly. I think I would enjoy my experience more if I was going weekly, but I always found everyone nice/supportive and that seems to be the general feedback from others. I also always came away a friend said, you know it's tough because you look forward to the workouts that include running (because that's easy).
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Like others have said, you will get a wide variety of responses from here, some from people who have never tried it an only read an article (be prepared for a PM from a certain individual who can no longer post on main forums warning you of the dangers).

    I've tried it. I loved it. I found a great box with great instructors who have had years of Olympic lifting under their belt. It is the type of place where they make you take the weight off if your form is suffering. i've actually been to at least 3 other boxes while travelling and have yet to find a bad one.
    Here, it is a great community, very similar to my running and triathlon community where everyone is really supportive, regardless of how fast/strong whatever, you are.
    I enjoy the workouts, I loved heavy lifiting but I like the change that Crossfit has to offer. Its hard, but everything is modifiable.
    My husband has never stuck to anything besides his hockey. We wasted money on bikes, gym member ships, swim club memberships. Crossfit has changed him completely. He used to only go to the gym or running or whatever with me, now he does Crossfit on his own and has goals he is working towards.
    I am not currently Crossfitting due to some issues with my pregnancy. I will return when I can.

    Oh and the evil Rhabdo - yup, it can happen in Crossfit, however, it is not exclusive to Crossfit. You can even get it from running or triathlon. In fact, the only person I have ever known to experience it, a mild form of it, was someone who had just finished an Ironman race.

    While I believe coaches need to be responsible and knowledgable, I also believe a lot of it is personal responsibility. There is a saying at our gym "don't be a whiteboard hero" (the whiteboard is where we record the results of the day's workout). Bascially, put away the pride, do what you can do the best you can do. You don't have to be the strongest or fastest, especially if that comes at a price.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Try it and see if you like it. Personally, I don't like group workouts but anything that gets people off a treadmill and into oly lifts and tire flipping can't exactly be all bad. That, and there's the plus of the Crossfit Games which I enjoy watching.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Try it and see if you like it. Personally, I don't like group workouts but anything that gets people off a treadmill and into oly lifts and tire flipping can't exactly be all bad. That, and there's the plus of the Crossfit Games which I enjoy watching.

    I actually meant to say that but got a little carried away. :laugh:
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I like staring at crossfit bodies. They must be doing something right.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I've been going to Crossfit for about 6 months and I love it. The camaraderie of the group, the variety of the workouts and pushing myself to do things I haven't done before is all awesome. It's a very supportive community and as long as you are smart about things, there is no more danger than lifting at the gym or running a triathlon. Focus on learning the lifts, the proper technique and form and don't overdo it on the weight and you'll do great.

    Check out this group for more Crossfitters:
  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    Try it and see if you like it. Personally, I don't like group workouts but anything that gets people off a treadmill and into oly lifts and tire flipping can't exactly be all bad. That, and there's the plus of the Crossfit Games which I enjoy watching.


    I tried crossfit when I was looking for something different after years of the typical bodybuilder type workout.

    I didn't really like it but it did introduce me to the olympic lifts which I still do. I think crossfit is like any other sport and it's not for everyone. Most crossfitters are pretty nice though (although you will occasionally run into those who think that Crossfitters are better than us mortals).
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Try it and see if you like it. Personally, I don't like group workouts but anything that gets people off a treadmill and into oly lifts and tire flipping can't exactly be all bad. That, and there's the plus of the Crossfit Games which I enjoy watching.


    I tried crossfit when I was looking for something different after years of the typical bodybuilder type workout.

    I didn't really like it but it did introduce me to the olympic lifts which I still do. I think crossfit is like any other sport and it's not for everyone. Most crossfitters are pretty nice though (although you will occasionally run into those who think that Crossfitters are better than us mortals).

    It also introduced me to the Oly lifts and they are my favourite. If there was somewhere here where I could go just Oly lifting, I would probably consider that as well. Unfortunately, I don't have the option.

    And yes, Camille :love:
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    shutyourpieholeandsquat Posts: 1,394 Member

    ...a great box with great instructors who have had years of Olympic lifting under their belt. It is the type of place where they make you take the weight off if your form is suffering.

    THIS^ Make sure your coaches have experience and are hell bent on form before weight.

    I've been going for a week and I already look forward to it WAY more than my bootcamp I did for 8 months. Be SMART and enjoy!
  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    I did Crossfit before I moved. I absolutely loved it. I learned better lifting techniques. I liked the variety they offered and the "competition" aspect of it.
  • mbcaldwell123
    mbcaldwell123 Posts: 79 Member
    sophs87 wrote: »
    Hello all!

    Anyone a Crossfitter?

    I have always been a regular exerciser but my sessions have become less intense/regular since moving to Dubai last November as it is just too hot to run for long distances, and my gym isn't that well equipped so my workouts become quite routine.

    There is a Crossfit place just round the corner which seems like a good way to get back in to group exercise and see results. However, I have to say I'm a little worried as I've heard it's pretty intense...

    Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

    I only caution you to make sure that the crossfit instructors are actually trained and knowledgable. If your form is not correct, it is very easy to hurt yourself - not just with crossfit but any other exercise. Proceed.... but with caution!
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I tried it. I liked the workouts, which were tough and you felt like you accomplished something when you are done. But, I am not one for group workouts. I like to sweat buckets in privacy and the group cheering/loudness, while appreciated, was a little much for this introvert.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It depends...some boxes are horrible...and I personally don't believe in doing very technical Oly-lifts for a *kitten* ton of reps which generally comes at the expense of proper form.

    Some boxes are good and have good coaches.

    Overwhelmingly, my experience with Crossfit has been stupid like this though...




    basically a lot of *kitten* that is ultimately going to result in injury...
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    That first gif... holy hell.

    I'll add this for this sweet necro thread:

    Oh, and crossfit chicks are fun.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I've taken three Crossfit classes at three different boxes this year. I have lots of friends that do it and love it. I'm not a fan myself but I can see the appeal because I do like group classes. I have been working out long enough to realize the three boxes I went to were well run and had good coaches so I was lucky in that respect. I didn't find it as hard as everyone says it is and it is easily modifiable to your fitness level. At this time of year there is tons of Groupon type deals so you might want to check that out and every gym/fitness facility I've been to offers a free first class or one or two week trial so you know what you are getting into.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    VegasFit wrote: »
    I've taken three Crossfit classes at three different boxes this year. I have lots of friends that do it and love it. I'm not a fan myself but I can see the appeal because I do like group classes. I have been working out long enough to realize the three boxes I went to were well run and had good coaches so I was lucky in that respect. I didn't find it as hard as everyone says it is and it is easily modifiable to your fitness level. At this time of year there is tons of Groupon type deals so you might want to check that out and every gym/fitness facility I've been to offers a free first class or one or two week trial so you know what you are getting into.

    Awesome post and awesome profile statement/pics. I'd like to try it but it will cut into my normal workout schedule. lol
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I still have scars on my shins from box jumps.