LOTS of running questions



  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I am just learning to run, so I do not have answers to most of your questions. I just wanted to say though that I have found a couple of different podcasts that I love. I listen to them whenever I work out because I get bored of music. Right now, I am working my way through the "How Stuff Works" and "Stuff Mom Never Told You" both from Discovery channel. Mom Stuff is a femenist podcast, which is really interesting. How Stuff Works is about a variety of different subjects. I download them onto my iPhone for free. They really amuse me while I am working out!
  • JustBeckyV
    1. Where do you run? How do you keep track of your mileage? I go to a trail by a lake and the run downtown as well. I have nike+ to track my miles.

    2. Is running on the treadmill THAT bad? Not bad just hard to stay motivated! I would much rather run outside!!

    3. How do you pass the time on long runs? Music - thinking - enjoying the scenery!

    4. Where do you stash water on long runs? I dont - I just wait and where I run they have drinking fountains that I can catch when I am done. I have bought some gels but haven't used them!

    5. Does your nose run uncontrollably like mine? If so, how do you deal with it? (this happens with exercise, regardless of whether I'm indoors or out) SOmetimes it does run but not very often!

    6. When do you run? I am not a morning exerciser, but I don't want to run outside by myself after dark... I would rather run earlier in the day and that is when I run on the weekends. During the week I go after work about 5 ish.