Do hormones get out of place after weigtloss?

Hello guys!!! I started this HARD and CHALLENGING weightloss journey back in october of 2013. I have managed to lose 30 pounds on my own and never thought I could do it!!! However I dont think I did it in a completly healthy way. I started out eating 1200 calories a day and working out at home. To be honest I feeling really good and lost and average about 1.5 pounds a week which is healthy. BUT when January came along I started feeling like COMPLETE CRAP. I was feeling cold all the time, mad and angry also. After some research I found out I have to up my calories so I started eating 1500 calories this week. However Now i'm having mental issues. I feel emotional and depressed most of the time. I wake up feeling energetic and hopeful but once afternoon comes along I have this uneasy anxiety type of feeling and thinking life isnt worth it at all, i'm going to die anytime, what is the point, and I isolate myself. This started happening only this week and I have noticed this week's weather was cloudy and gloomy also, and whenever bright lights are on I feel so much better. Is this depression happening because of my drastic weightloss and my hormones are out of balance? i do take vitamins everyday, because I tend to be low on Vitamin A, C, and fat, and iron but I should be getting in 100% because of vitamins. Should I go see a doctor? Also I havent gotten my period for the past 2 months but I thought because that is my low body fat :-/ I WANNA BE HAPPY AGAIN IM ONLY 18 Honestly all my doctor is going to do is tell me to gain weight and eat everything again, I want to be healthy all my life NOW!! How should I check out my hormones is there some natural way I can balance them out without any doctor or medication. I have a big vacation coming up and I want to start feeling good again. Thank you :-)


  • Flossiesdoll
    I think you should go and talk to your doctor. There might be a medical reason for your difficulties, which your doctor can help you with.