Weak abdominal muscles

Hi everyone. After my first child was born 3 years ago, I started walking 2+ miles daily to lose some weight for my wedding. It didn't stay off for long thought as I found out I was pregnant again. I'm now a little over 1 year postpartum, and for the last few months I've had issues with my stomach muscles, where if I lifted something heavy they would be achy and sore for the rest of the day or even a few days. My guess is this is because pregnancy makes them weak? Anyway, we are done having children and I'm once again looking to lose some weight. Yesterday I walked 2 miles pushing only one child in the stroller and as sill as it sounds, I'm really paying for it. My abdominal area is killing me, surprisingly no where else is. What can I do to strengthen my abdominal muscles BESIDES crunches (I'm not ready for that yet) or is that the only way? Is there anything I can wear or something to support them? Will my abs and body get used to this activity over time? I really want to lose some weight and want to stick to going for walks. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    . What can I do to strengthen my abdominal muscles BESIDES crunches (I'm not ready for that yet) or is that the only way?

    Why are you not ready for crunches? Just do a few of them so that you are lightly sore the next day, then try to do more than before every 1-2 days.

    Also see this video on contracting your deep abdominal muscles:


    Did you have a c-section?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    if you could join a group class for compound weight lifting, or do it by following a home workout video, it will help. And when you walk/run/or whatever, pay attention to use more strength from your core, not just the legs...I feel these help me build a stronger core with 6 packs. :)
  • wickedpursuit
    wickedpursuit Posts: 47 Member
    It's possible that your abdominal muscles separated - but I'm not (I repeat, NOT) a doctor, so take this with a grain of salt! I'd check with your doctor to see if the muscles are indeed separated - if so, that would certainly explain the weakness! With that said, I found this and it might be helpful to you with regards to figuring out exercises you can do and so forth.
