Water, water, everywhere- but hardly a drop in me :(

I've only been journaling my food for several days... I've not made any changes yet really, I'm just watching my normal eating habits so that I can find the issues... but the one that is the most concerning to me right off the bat is that I am clearly not taking in enough fluids and I'm not having times of feeling "thirsty" either. Two days ago, I literally had one glass of water and one morning cup of coffee in a total 24 hour period and felt fine. 16oz of liquid in 24 hours... And yet, I pee like a racehorse for the first few hours of the day after coffee. What is going on here? That day was an extreme, my normal seems to be about about 4 glasses of water in addition to the morning cup o' joe. Yesterday I pushed myself to drink 6 glasses and I felt like I was floating and had to really push it. I drink no juice, no soda, no nothing else... How on earth am I supposed to get down 8 glasses a day when I have no want to drink at all? Any tips or tricks?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    8x 8 ounces glasses of water is a pretty arbitrary recommendation. You just need to stay hydrated. I carry a 24 ounce water bottle with me pretty much everywhere I go and drink far more than 8 glasses of water per day...but I'm also very active and live in a highland desert at over a mile high in elevation.
  • MichaelRobinson1994
    MichaelRobinson1994 Posts: 83 Member
    I take a 1L and 0.75L bottle to Work and Uni and just carry one around the house all day and sip away gradually, usually end up filling them up, getting around 3/3.5L of water per day!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Staying hydrated is all you need to do, any fluids will help, milk, coffee, juice, etc. Try to increase it a bit if you can and just get in the habit of taking a bottle of water with you. Eventually you will increase your intake, if you are working out or just starting to workout just keep in mind that you should be drinking more fluids. I have a 32 oz water bottle that goes with me everywhere and if I drink 2 per day I am doing okay and anything more than that is a bonus.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Maybe you are trying to drink too many ounces at once. I have three different size glasses I use. One is really an old jar that Old English Cheese spread came in which I use once a year to make a Christmas cheese ball! It holds exactly 4 oz liquid. I use that glass a lot because 1/2 cup is easy for me to down. The other glass I use most often is a plastic double-layer glass that was my grandsons and it holds exactly 8 oz. I use that glass if I feel at all thirsty because I know that at those times I can generally drink more than 4 oz at one time so might as well drink 8 oz. The other glass I use is a typical glass that holds between 12 and 16 oz -- not exactly sure honestly, and I use this glass for sipping water when I'm on the computer, reading, etc. Been doing this for about 35 days and it is working for me. I often do not drink real cold water btw. It goes down easier unless I've been working hard and feel real thirsty.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm not a big water drinker, except during my exercise classes. I do manage to drink 16 ounces of water every time I take a class. I've made it to maintenance without drinking 8 glasses of water a day for the most part. I hate being reminded to drink more water and I can sit for hours with a glass of water next to me without taking a single sip. Do I feel guilty? Yes, but not enough to change my habits. ;-)