Greetings and Salutations!

Hi, hi!

I'll keep this super short and sweet: I'm a 32 year old female, 145lbs, and working to drop the 10 pounds I picked up after moving across the country. I started this wild journey in 2006, when I was 220 lbs and obscenely depressed. I hung out at 185 for a long time and, finally, dropped the last 55 lbs in 2012 when I made a cross-country trek that landed me in Georgia.

And then I gained 10 back.

I know some of it is muscle - yay, strength exercises! - but the rest is just from crap eating all day, every day, and extra on Sundays and Fridays. It doesn't help that I'm a cooking and baking fiend, even if I foist most of the goods on friends and coworkers.

There is a reason for the loss goal, of course: I've discovered a fascination (nay, a burning passion) for costuming and want to look extra awesome for Dragon*Con this year - and every year after! My other hobbies are far less exciting, but worthy of a quick mention: writing, drawing, reading, blah blah blah.

So, yeah! Hi! Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm glad to see all of you on this crazy adventure!