Do you think my plan will work?

Hi everyone, this is my first post!

For me, I am not focusing on a number (although I had to choose one in order to make a profile) — it may sound silly, but I'm trying not to weigh myself or count calories. I've counted calories before and I was miserable, starving, and unsuccessful. I would rather focus on the way I feel, the way my clothes fit, and my physical fitness level.

I certainly have a long way to go, however. My biggest problem is food — I love it, especially the unhealthy stuff. I have a wicked sweet tooth (cookies, brownies, ice cream, everything) plus I love carbs and going out to eat, whether it's fast food like Taco Bell or McDonald's or places like Buffalo Wild Wings or Panera. It doesn't help that I work in a mall with Auntie Annie's and Wendy's literally a hundred feet away. I could eat pizza for every meal, and if I could have pancakes and homefries every day, I would. I also have a binge eating issue, which I am hoping to curb.

So, here is my plan to get myself in gear:
- Jillian Michaels Body Revolution
- 2 miles on the treadmill every day (right now it's running/walking, although my goal is to be able to run the whole thing at some point)
- Eating 3 healthy meals a day, with little snacking in between

I've learned that I can't totally limit myself...I need to eat some of the foods I like or I'll go insane! For example, I can have one serving of cheez-its with my sandwich and a cucumber for lunch instead of eating half a box in front of the TV when I get home from school.

Any input would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone else is doing similar workouts I would be glad to have some support along the way! :)


  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    Don't cut out the things you love! I agree with that. I still eat all the things I like but follow their portion sizes. Weigh and measure the unhealthy things because it will keep you mindful that you can eat it but a specific amount of it.

    Your plan sounds good to me for starters. I like counting calories and weighing myself, it keeps me accountable. But to each their own.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • brasgold
    brasgold Posts: 17 Member
    everyone hates counting calories why because it keeps you honest with what you are putting in your mouth. Im sure all of us love food just as much as you. If you really want to lose it It doesn't matter how much exercise you do you have to be accountable to what you are eating. have what ever you want but count it or it won't work. This may sound harsh but honey its true
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    Honestly, counting calories is a pain, but it helps to do it for at least the first few weeks or months. After a while you'll get a sense of where your numbers are, what you need to be eating and how much is in your usual intake. "Eating healthy" is so nebulous and doesn't really mean anything, and if your aim is losing weight, it can be pretty dicey not to keep track of calories at all. If you're not aware of the calorie count in what you're putting into your mouth, you'll overeat, and it's very possible to do that while eating healthy.

    A calorie is a calorie when it comes to weight loss, alas. Eating too much of lean meats, fruits, nuts and whole grains will slap weight onto you, and eating a deficit will make you lose, no matter what it is you're eating. Plus the other danger in the blanket approach is restricting yourself too heavily. Your body NEEDS a certain amount of energy to function, and if you're consistently under that number - whatever it may be for you - the weight won't come off, and you won't feel very good besides.

    No one likes it, but I do recommend at least figuring out your BMR, your TDEE and figuring out a caloric intake that works for you, at least for the few weeks.
  • nim_ra
    nim_ra Posts: 38
    respected user ( or informally dear buddy)
    i can imagine exactly what you are going through but u didn't mention your height weight age etc ...... and second i been on this tract for nearly a month and you know what i find is that losing weight is not an activity rather it is owning a complete life style where you control your self instead of food...... you have no idea what my previous diet was..... one or two large pizza not a big deal .... but i am loving my routine now.... you know counting what you are taking is very awesome .... it make me realize how much i am eating ... and in losing weight it is important.... in my opinion even if i don't reduce ... i am loving this now style in which i can deal my issues instead of eating blindly .....