6AM Runners.... HOW ?

I'm that kind of person that will be in their pajamas until the last possible minute. Heck, I'll be in my pajamas all day or even all week if I wanted to ! But I have a question. HOW do you wake up at 6am, get dressed as soon as your feet hit the floor, getting out of bed and out before the sun even comes up ?

Also, what's your preference in the summer ? Do you completely change when coming back, or do you just air dry, put on some deodorant and baby powder, then do what needs to be done for the day ?


  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    By 6am I am normally done with my workout. Coffee gets done at 3 am, down a cup and either lifting, running or biking by around 3:30 am., when finished nice shower and on with the rest of my day.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member

    Also, what's your preference in the summer ? Do you completely change when coming back, or do you just air dry, put on some deodorant and baby powder, then do what needs to be done for the day ?

    Wait, what!? Shower. You've got to shower.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I exercise at 630AM 5 days a week. I do it early and then it is over with for the day. If I don't I will find every excuse in the book not to exercise. Up early cup of coffee, slice of toast and off I go.
  • fitcrystal1121
    fitcrystal1121 Posts: 49 Member
    I would like to know how its done too! I have told myself plenty of times that I would love to get an early morning run and I will even set my alarm but for some reason its hard to get out of the bed! lol I have tried to work out in the morning like before I eat breakfast and I feel miserable. I just feel like I have no energy! But like I said I am interested in taking runs in the morning especially right as the sun comes up. The best time for me is normally when I get home around 4 or 5 before dinner
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    By 6am I am normally done with my workout. Coffee gets done at 3 am, down a cup and either lifting, running or biking by around 3:30 am., when finished nice shower and on with the rest of my day.

    What time do you go to bed?!
  • abickford82
    abickford82 Posts: 207
    I'm not a morning person but I'm up most mornings by 5-6. Coffee and water at 5, out for my run shortly after that. Husband leaves for work after 6...so kids to take care of after that, and weight lifting mid-morning. Gotta get that run in sometime!

    As for showering...absolutely. I bleach bath with baking soda 2x a week to get really clean. I hate being stinky. No way could one go on with there day. You'd just be covering up BO with powder & deodorant.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member

    That said, I am at the gym at 6:30AM mon-fri because I know I won't do it after work. I really won't. I have tried, but I'm just lazy. So by going to bed in my workout clothes and setting my alarm on the other side of the room, it guarantees that I am awake and ready when I need to be...and if I am already awake, I can't rationalize going back to bed. Good luck!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I've only recently become a morning runner. I worked on the getting up earlier part first and was surprised at how easy it was even after a few days. I'm not quite a 6am runner, but usually out of the door by 6.30. Wake a little before 6, down some water and coffee, start prepping my lunch, get changed and go. Definitely shower afterwards! Good lord... no way I could go to work after running with no shower..

    I've been intermittent fasting for ages and usually don't eat until about 1pm. I can run fasted, but I know I don't run as well as I do on the weekend after I've eaten so I've been experimenting with eating a banana in the mornings. I put it, and a glass of water y my bed so I can eat it even before I get up, give it time to digest before I go. It's really about being organised. I always thought I wasn't a morning person, well maybe it's still true, but I really wanted to get a run in before work, so I made it work. I love getting out and back before I get on with the rest of the day. Now it's getting lighter, I'll probably switch some to the evenings after work, but it's nice to have the option.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I go to the gym between 4:30 - 5:00 a.m. during the week. I don't set an alarm, I wake up on my own. If I don't go then, I don't have a chance the rest of the day - work, school for the kids and after school activities suck up all of my time. So the a.m. is "my" time. It's hard, sometimes I want to stay in bed, but I can't get back to sleep because I know I should be up and running (so to speak). I get back home from the gym about 6 a.m. - make my son his breakfast, take a shower and start getting ready, wake up my daughter and get her ready for school and then we are gone for the day!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    By 6am I am normally done with my workout. Coffee gets done at 3 am, down a cup and either lifting, running or biking by around 3:30 am., when finished nice shower and on with the rest of my day.

    What time do you go to bed?!

    Usually fall asleep around 9 pm
  • prima073
    prima073 Posts: 93 Member
    It's all about getting into a routine!
  • prima073
    prima073 Posts: 93 Member
    By 6am I am normally done with my workout. Coffee gets done at 3 am, down a cup and either lifting, running or biking by around 3:30 am., when finished nice shower and on with the rest of my day.

    What time do you go to bed?!

    Usually fall asleep around 9 pm

    WOW! You are my new hero! :-)
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    By 6am I am normally done with my workout. Coffee gets done at 3 am, down a cup and either lifting, running or biking by around 3:30 am., when finished nice shower and on with the rest of my day.

    What time do you go to bed?!

    Usually fall asleep around 9 pm

    You're a machine!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Getting your run in becomes an obsession and a priority, so it is easy to do once you get that runners high.

    For most of us, getting our run in is not a chore but a delight.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm a morning person and it comes naturally to get up before the sun. If you're not then don't sweat it. Workout when you want.
  • Luke_Luke_Luke
    It gets easier as soon as it becomes routine. Until then you'll have all those thoughts of the warm bed tormenting you. Have all your gear out and ready and as soon as that alarm goes off, get up - no snoozing or laying there for a few mins - just get up. That was my biggest hurdle.

    I'm up on the mornings I run at 5:30, back by 6, shower, breakfast, changed and out the door for work before 7. Its nice to have the option of getting another run in at night too if I feel like it.
  • UandI1985
    UandI1985 Posts: 55 Member
    umm...what if you had to be at work by 6:30am, and don't get home until 6pm-8pm???....<scratches head>
  • m3dreamer2011
    It is all about the routine and forcing yourself to just do it. Use your phone as an alarm and put it on the other side of your bedroom so that you HAVE to get out of bed. Be sure to have all of your running gear ready to go near the front door to avoid any chance of excuses.

    I set the alarm for 4:50am each day and am generally out the door in 10-15 mins. After a week or so it begins to become a habit. Doing it in winter when it is dark is very tough but the sense of satisfaction and achievement when you have finished your run makes it all worthwhile!
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    by going to bed in my workout clothes

    That might actually help me! I won't run in my neighborhood though...when I'm out by myself at the hours the local wildlife are quite active. :noway: But I could get up, get out, and drive into town where there are plenty of streets to run and very few "critters".