Losing weight after gaining it on medication

Hi. I have always been slightly overweight, at most 30lbs. When I started college I lost some weight and got down to my lowest adult weight of 150lbs on a 5ft 4 frame. I was doing amazing and was trying to tone up and get even sexier. Then I got put on the medication that changed my life. I gained 30lbs the first month doing exactly what I was doing before. The next month I gained another 15, then 10, and eventually I was over 200lbs in only 8 months and the doctors took me off. Apparently I had a reaction that caused the medication to severely slow my metabolism.
Once I got off the medication I felt so crappy about myself that I lost all my motivation to eat better and exercise and gained another 10lbs. I've stagnated there for the last year until I finally started counting calories, weighing my food, and going to the gym almost every day. I started in the middle of February and I have lost 12lbs so far. I started off at 1200 calories because that's what MFP said to do (I know I learned the error of my ways). So now, I have it set to 1lb per week and I am at 1450 calories per day. But I still lost 3lbs this week despite eating all my calories and eating back my exercise calories. So I guess my question is should I bump my calories even more? Is it ok to lose 3-5lbs a week if I only have 60ish pounds to go? Do you think my metabolism is starting back up too high now?
Thank you for all of the people on here. I've been reading and reading for the last month and have learned so much.


  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    I have found weight loss slows, for me anyway.

    I started off losing about 6 a week on the same amount of calories. I lost the bulk of what I had to lose in roughly 6 months. Then another 6 to lose the rest slowly. It took me a year to lose what I had to lose.

    I had good days, I had bad days. I still have good days and bad days.

    I maintain pretty well for the last year, with good days and bad days. Sometimes I way "overeat" and some I may way "under eat". I follow the signals my stomach gives. I have treats, I eat sweets and I eat good food too. Life is meant to be lived without self inflicted stress.

    Mostly, just give yourself a mental break and listen to your body. If you get weak or light headed, eat. If you feel too full, don't eat so much. Above all, love your body. It is the only one you get and it's size or tone or lack of does not define who you are. Just be the best you that you can be.

    Be well and keep up the good work.