Running Shoes for Fallen Arches

I recently signed up for C25K. I have entered a 5K that takes place on June 21. I have all the confidence in the world that I can do this by June. I have been meeting all of my goals given by the C25K they gave me, and beyond! However, I have fallen arches so mid-way through my walk/run my body is still very willing to keep going, but my feet really hurt. It hurts in the arch area as well as the left/top part of my foot right under my ankle on my left foot only. I am sure it is the way my foot is taking a pounding with little support. I wear New Balance, but they are not exclusively running shoes.

I am looking for good running shoes for a beginner with great arch support. Something that will completely keep my arches from falling while walking/jogging/running.

Does anyone else have this problem? Can anyone recommend a really good supportive running shoe?

Thanks in advance for any input on this, I really want to go buy some new running shoes this week.


  • frank6666
    frank6666 Posts: 48 Member

    I do have the same problem. I suggest you go at a running boutique to purchase your running shoes and not at the regular sports boutique. I went last week to change my shoes. The guy watched me run for a while, took some measurements and suggested a model that had arch support that fitted my feets. I ended up with a good pair of Mizuno.

    I suggest you get your condition evaluated and then get a shoe that fit your condition
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Yes, get a fitting at a running specialty store. You'll likely need a stability shoe or perhaps even a motion control shoe. Finding the right shoe will make all the difference!
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Find a local running store and they will be able to help you. They should watch you walk and/or run and they will determine what will work best for you. It will make a huge difference.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member