Need Exercises! Lower Back Stretches

I can't find any lower back stretches online because I must be searching wrong but I was wondering if any of you can give me some good stretches for my lower back. My back muscles are starting to get used more and I can feel it and would like to stretch them out. I've done these twists while standing but that's the best I can come up with.

All advice welcome!


  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    I can recommend some exercises for you that help with loosening the back, just be careful about stretching the back then the muscles aren't warmed up, especially twisting, can injure very easily.

    Some exercises and stretches:

    Cat stretch
    Foam rolling
    Cat and camel
    Child Pose
    Single knee to chest
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I can recommend some exercises for you that help with loosening the back, just be careful about stretching the back then the muscles aren't warmed up, especially twisting, can injure very easily.

    Some exercises and stretches:

    Cat stretch
    Foam rolling
    Cat and camel
    Child Pose
    Single knee to chest

    Adding couch stretching.
    Google MobilityWOD couch stretch
  • gloriaeffe
    gloriaeffe Posts: 75 Member
    Use a foam roller too, it works wonders for me.
    Just google it and you'll find some good videos on how to use it properly.