health of %s of cow's milk

I did a search for this before posting so I am sorry if I am reposting the same question. However after reading 10 pages that went past a months time, I thought I would ask.

I am curious to know how people feel about the % of fat in their cow's milk. I have tried almond milk several times but I have just not been able to palette it well. So, skipping that and turning to cow's milk, a nutritionist told a fellow class I was in recently that you "need fat to burn fat". I was drinking skim milk to begin with but after looking this up, it seemed as though in general people agreed with this notion. The problem then became at what % of fat do they recommend. The nutritionist that talked in class said she drank 2% or whole milk and seemed to welcome fat in her diet. Being that she was rather skinny, it was hard to object to her idea. Yet, I have taken more of a "middle of the road" approach and have started to drink 1%. While I do enjoy the idea of organic or raw milk, I am not so opposed to drinking "regular" so long as there is a no rBGH statement along with it.

I am aware that different things work for different people but I was curious to hear about what success people have had and what they have discovered on this subject. Please and thank you everyone.


  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    a nutritionist told a fellow class I was in recently that you "need fat to burn fat".

    It's a gross oversimplification; you needs fats to live, as the body can't convert others things to it.
    I am aware that different things work for different people but I was curious to hear about what success people have had and what they have discovered on this subject. Please and thank you everyone.

    I can't stand the taste of anything under 2% milk, and whole milk pretty much rules as far as I'm concerned. There's not a massive calorie difference between 2% and whole milk anyway.
  • Madison1Jones
    I am doing 2 Percent, because I actually like it better than 1 percent, skim or whole. I have been reading a lot today about the need for Vitamin D for losing belly fat, as well as what you mentioned about needing it to lose fat (still trying to wrap my head around that). I am not eating after 8 pm, but decided if I need to crush a craving, I'll just have some milk.
  • kayla_who
    kayla_who Posts: 540 Member
    You know when you use white paint and then you wash the brush out in the sink...the color that washes out of the brush = skim milk imo...blegh! I personally drink 2% milk when I drink it...not a huge milk fan to begin with.