being fat limits people? well, being healthy limits me....



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You can just go to these events and just make up excuses. I have a legitimate one that I am on my provisional drivers license so can't even have one drink. Otherwise, make up some health issue or something :P
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    to one of the first posters, it is NOT excuses. I love a healthy lifestyle and love working out. I also love being fit. i am asking for help, bc I want to figure out how to BALANCE both my lifestyles.
    The crap part is, that even my work networking is always alcohol based ( i am in the fashion industry, this = lots of parties, lots of networking, lots of champagne). After 3 months of avoiding or limiting alcohol at company dinners, finally i am not being met with 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO WINE?????????' when I ask for water at dinner. trust me, this would be easy as pie if i was a mom in the burbs.
    I am slowly working thru the issues, and trying to figure out how to balance. In my 20s i could do both without any issues (party till 4 am, then go run 5 km the next morning). My work sched is very flexible as I am a creative, so i get to decide when I work out. As for friends who are into healthy lifestyle, this is tough to do in the city I currently live in. I have health friends in other cities where I live part time. I am fairly new in the town i am living in and it is harder to have those 'low investment' relationships, the ones where you can just watch shows in your tracky pants. most of my current friendships are still in the 'early dating' phases...

    Fit, I totally get where you are coming from. I lived in NYC and went to school there for years, and I partied like CRAZY..I am just NOW starting to wind down at the ripe age of 29 ; ) hehe I still drink twice a wk. I was in great shape back then, so it can be done. Honestly, I dont think NOT going to these events is the answer. You should live your life to the fullest and have fun!! What kind of drinks are you having? Make them low cal, like bacardi and diet, light beer, ect, and watch what you eat very closely when you go out drinking. For example, I have a big problem with football Sundays. The old me would drink sam adams and eat nachos. Now, I drink light beer, and eat at home. This way I can still go out and have a good time, without feeling like crap later.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    im a very young 32 hehe. i dont drink beer. I drink wine, and vodka sodas.
    yesterday I went and had dinner w some new friends and was pleasantly shocked and surprised. I had 1 glass of wine, 1 guy did not drink at all, and another guy had 2 beers. dinner ended at 11, and everyone was totally sober....

    then of course I went out w a friend i have not seen in months, drank 2 more glasses of wine and stayed out till 2.... sigh

    but... i am realizing that having dinner w people outside of my core group means 1 glass of wine and 11pm bedtime, while my core is a bottle per head and discussions into the night....

    day by day.
    I am going out to dinner tonight at a great tapas restau.... plan is ... to nurse my wine glass 1 for 3 of my friends.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    My personal motto -- "One day at a time, one day at a time."

    Of course, there are days which it's one hour or one minute at a time.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    You can go out to bars and whatnot with your friends, just don't drink. Get water instead. You can still hang out with your friends and have a good time, you just don't have to partake in all of the activities.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    very successful party night and only 2 glasses of wine!