
Hi everyone.

Last year I had a car accident and it meant I had to stop all exercise because of the pain I was in. At that point, I had been training for a half marathon so I was running 3 times a week, plus I was playing netball and swimming once a week each. I put on a stone within a few weeks and began to comfort/secret eat as well because I was really down about not exercising and due to pain and headaches.

Anyway, I kept vowing to change and get the weight off so once I felt better, I started exercising again. However, I was still eating in secret and actually, I was binge eating too (no purging though) which meant I was also feeling extremely guilty.

Where I'm at now is a weight of 136lbs, the heaviest I've ever been. I have never really felt down on my body as I've always been fairly active but I actually feel fat at the moment (a lot of people would say that's not true and "there's nothing of me!" but that's how I feel).

I've recently changed my diet quite radically and I currently do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 6 days a week, plus her Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism and I play netball twice a week (one training session, one game) and go swimming for an hour once a week. I'm still not really losing any weight, in fact, I'm gaining a little which is slightly worrying.

I just don't know what to do, how long does it take for weight to start coming off? This past weekend was quite indulgent as I had family over and I made some bad food choices but generally, I've been eating clean and exercising hard so I'm just really frustrated at the lack of progress.

Don't feel obligated to reply, this is just my personal rant. I suppose it helps to get things off your chest.


  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    you're not eating back that exercise, well not this week.
    log your exercise and eat most of it back.
    you'll be better off
  • ceasingfeline
    ceasingfeline Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the reply. The thing is, it's hard to tell how many calories I'm burning up as I don't have a heart rate monitor and netball can be variable depending on what we work on or how much of the game I play.

    Does anyone know of anything online that can help with this?
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Use Basketball or Volleyball from the mfp list.
    If you feel you haven't played hard you can log less time.
  • PRguez
    PRguez Posts: 61 Member
    I started the gym 5 weeks ago (after almost two years of not exercising, i used to run a lot but my knee is not great lately) and I put on weight instead of loosing it. So i was very pissed off. But people said to have patience as my body is adjusting... and to watch out for what I eat coz I might be eating more that I should.

    Now I started to loose it again (super slow but I guess when you only have few extra pounds it is harder to loose them or harder to see results)

    So hang it there as it will start to happen soon, it is just a matter of time... not worth to stress a lot about it. I do the same as suggested here by others; i try to log my exercise by approx. calories burned, so If unsure I log less just in case.

    Keep Going! :happy:
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    Use circuit training for you Jillian Michaels workouts and then look up the other ones under the cardio options. Eat back about 80% of your calories, because MFP can be a bit overly generous with the amount of calories burned. I learned this through wearing my HRM.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    If you are doing a large amount of exercising, you may need to be eating more than 1250 cal/day. Try increasing your calories to 1400/day and see how that works for you. Also, be sure that you are getting in hard resistance training and interval exercises. These will help to speed up your metabolism.

    Always happy to help.