Body Revolution

Hey guys! I had lost a lot of weight in the past 2 years or so, and in the last 8 months I have gained back a little under half of it. I had lost my gym membership and moved to a completely new city and lost my job and support. My new job is not food friendly (potlucks weekly anyone?) and it's made it a real struggle. I've recommitted but I'm still lacking a gym. So I bought Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and I'm wondering who else has done it and does anyone have any advice for me? I've had good luck with her workouts in the past but I need a longer term program right now while I wait for my gym at work to be built.

Thanks! Any Advice will be appreciated!


  • deepershade2005
    deepershade2005 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm just finishing up with it this week. 90 days doesn't sound like a long time but believe me it is, especially when you are doing this programme.
    I've enjoyed it a lot. The guys don't take themselves too seriously and Jillian is funny with her 'take no prisoners' attitude. Also, it's adjustable for whatever level of fitness you are at and as she always points out 'there's always an up button'. If you can give more, give more. If not, she also explains modifications.

    Hope this helps
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Im in week 8 right now. I've done her 30 Day Shred in the past (about a year ago) and lost 11 lbs in 30 days. I've also done Insanity and was doing Strong Lifts 5x5 at the gym for 8 weeks beginning this year. As you can see I'm not a beginner. I bought the program a while ago because it was on clearance at a local fitness store for $50 and couldn't pass it up. I skipped month one, I tried all of those DVDs but it was too easy (I even did 3/4 in the same day and still felt like I did nothing lol) so I skipped to month 2 which is much harder. Depending on the weight of your dumbells and how much you push yourself it's a great workout. I wear a HRM and end up burning 350-400 cals in 30 minutes! I think it's a mix between her 30 Day Shred and P90X as I see a lot of moves from P90X and Insanity in these routines, making it a great overall program. I'm definitely noticing changes even if the scales not moving much (I only have about 20-30lbs to lose before I'm at my goal weight). I think I'll do another round of Insanity when I'm done with this then hopefully get my gym membership back and restart SL 5x5. Good luck to you!
  • aliciawb130
    aliciawb130 Posts: 41 Member
    I just started today! Here is to the next 90 days