Attention long term my fitness pal users



  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?

    Since the summer of 2012. I changed my birth control and it made me VERY hungry. I was also experimenting with running and bodyweight circuit training, and needed some way to keep track of everything.

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?

    I've gotten a lot more accurate and picked up a lot of tips and tricks. I make almost all my meals at home, weigh everything before I cook it, and rarely use measuring cups or spoons anymore. I live and die by the food scale. I try not to use anything in the database with an asterisk (*) unless I compare it to the nutrition label and feel that it's accurate. When I first started, I was eyeballing portion sizes and it slowed my progress.

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?

    I reached my original goal weight of 130 (I was even under that for a while at 127) in late 2012 or early 2013, but I still wasn't happy with how I looked. I started lifting in early summer 2013, and currently weigh between 135-140, and have never been happier with how I look. I'm more concerned with body composition and strength now.

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?

    NOPE. I've been pretty health-conscious since high school. I love the feeling of control I get from being able to watch my calories and macros. I love my FitBit. I love the endorphin high from exercise, and the feeling of accomplishment I get from besting myself in strength workouts. I used to only count fat (eating less than 25g of fat per day) before MFP and lost quite a bit of weight that way, but that kind of dieting isn't sustainable for me and eliminated a lot of foods I like to eat.

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?

    Hell no, I'll be doing this forever! I'm always setting new goals for myself, and MFP is an invaluable tool in reaching those goals.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?
    Since around October 21st 2013. Missed 1 day of logging due to an anniversary trip in November.
    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?
    I record EVERYTHING
    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?
    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?
    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Almost two years. I've logged every day and every meal (it didn't count when I was overseas and didn't hook to the internet). That bugs me - the app knows I did it.

    I still log every day and every bite, usually after every meal. I like doing it. I have no plans to stop even though I hit my weight goal last June and my weight 'range' a year ago last January.

    I can now look at things and know the portion size and calories. I am rarely surprised. Since going to maintenance I have stopped logging tea and lettuce on my sandwiches - things I know are less than 5 calories. I bought a fitbit and use that for exercise calories.

    This is like brushing my teeth.
  • twkelly
    twkelly Posts: 91 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for? Joined Jan 2012, starting weight 242.

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time? When I am logging, I weigh just about everything and log before eating. I may log my full day when I get into work and have a few moments but then I'll tweak to be more exact throughout the day.

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point? Reached my goal of 180 pounds July 2012

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do? I stopped using MFP once I hit my goal and over 18 months put all the weight bak on. D'oh!

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely? I'd like to get to a point where I can know what my calories are without weighing everything and logging everything but, from past experience, I'd better use MFP indefinitely.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for? 

    Since June 2013
    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?
    I have always been strategic in my logging. I just eat more now than when I started ;)

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point? 

    Took me 8 months. But my goals are always changing. I never want to stop making and achieving goals

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do? 

    I reverted to a modified version of the way I used to eat. I definitely eat more mindfully. But I still eat all the food I used to

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?

    Use it indefinitely.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?
    About 415 days

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?
    I log religiously, even if my laptop acts up, I will either go to the library and log or get on my son's Playstation and log with the controller.

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?
    I am 5 pounds from my first goal. But, I have changed my goals to lose weight slower so that I can eat more.

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?
    Never and I don't plan on ever going back to 238 pounds again. It's so much easier not carrying a heavy load and getting out of breath over bending down to pick up something. Plus, I love how I look!

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?
    I will use MFP until the end of the world or the end of MFP!
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?
    January 2012 but I'm not sure

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?
    I tried to stick to it but failed twice (my own fault of course)

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?

    I haven't but as right now I'm getting closer and closer and I'm not turning back this time

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?

    yes , I stopped caring .... then I said to myself "enough is enough" ... " I can be so much more than what I am "

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?

    mmmhhh , no ... its a great tool ... even after achieving my goals I would keep logging in .... maybe just not every day tho
  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?

    Since Jan. of 2012

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time? I took a few months off and noticed I gained weight so I started logging again.
    I think I should buy a food scale...eyeballing it does not seem to be working for me!

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?
    No I have not. I have trouble losing weight. But at least I have not gained any weight in 5 years.

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?
    Well, I revert to snacking on Cheezits every now and then! But I have a tiny bowl instead of half a box!

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?
    Well I guess for now it seems to be better than NOT doing it so indefinitely I guess. I'm getting a pedometer this week that may help me too.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?

    joined March 2011

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?

    Not too much - I have changed goals over time though

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?

    Not yet. My goal has actually changed though - originally 157, now 150

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?

    Nope. I've had some temporary lapses but it's never full blown to old ways as I tend to pick my battles more these days. For example - it was a coworker's b-day last week and I knew there would be goodies. So instead of having a muffin with my eggs (really really wanted a muffin that morning), I just got the eggs and that meant I had enough calories to cover the cake we had later in the day. And it was totally worth the wait - fudgy chocolate with pb frosting. Yum! Or if I know I'm going to have pizza for dinner, I'll try to eat light during the day and get a good workout in.

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?

    Somewhere in between. I think I'll use it for a year or so after I get to goal then maybe stop using it for a while to see how I do and if I gain 5 pounds or more, I'll come back to tracking.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?
    Since Jan 2012

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?
    I stopped logging for a while and now I've been consistently logging for over a year. My # of days logged doesn't really matter all that much to me though because I really just see is as how many days I had internet connection and could log in.

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?
    Yes, then I changed my goal. Now I'm striving to be stronger and faster and maybe some more weight will come off, maybe it won't.

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?
    Yes and no. Once I finally started following a sustainable caloric deficit I don't really think of old ways and new ways. So, I guess my solution to fixing my old ways was to figure something out that would work for life. I don't beat myself up anymore if I am over on calories one day. It's just one day.

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?
    For now, yes. The people I have met here have pushed me to do things I never thought possible even a year ago. I love the friends I've made here.
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    1. How long have you used MFP for?
    Joined <--, started tracking, stopped for a good while, started again May/June of 2013 too aggressively, had to stop, started again August 2013 after a surgery too aggressively, then finally put all the puzzle pieces together and realized I just had to be way less aggressive--1200 calories was never going to work for me and I didn't need to make it work for me anyway.

    2. How have your logging habits changed over time?
    Prelogging was the biggest thing for me, followed by paying attention to protein. I feel like my (food)day revolves around that protein macro now. My attitude toward logging also changed. Originally it this thing I did to track calories, sort of as an afterthought. Now, it's a tool that I use to make sure the food that I'm eating will fuel me through the day. I feel a lot better for that change.

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?
    I don't have a numeric goal, really. I'm more of a balance-keeper than a goal-setter. I wouldn't mind getting more on top of physical fitness at some point, but I haven't yet found the desire to do so. I just want to keep things under control, which isn't a really tangible goal.

    4. Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using MFP? If so, what did you do?
    The first time I tried to transition to maintenance (several weeks ago), I would log up to maintenance and then not log anything after that. You might imagine that didn't really work out. I went back into loss mode and think that next time I try for maintenance (don't know when that will be), I think I'll up my calories gradually instead of all at once.

    5. Do you see MFP as a short term tool or intend to use it indefinitely?
    I don't see any reason not to use it indefinitely, although I know that I will probably have to justify it to my parents (mostly my mother) when I go home in May--I'll be home for more than two weeks for the first time in over a year. I was home temporarily in December/January, but my logging got a bit spotty because I felt like I had to hide it. I'm going to try to change that in May, and if I can use it through this summer and make it a full year, I think I'll have gotten so used to it that I won't really want to stop anyway. I think a lot of this attitude comes from the fact that I don't really have a goal weight, so I don't really see a clear stopping point.
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?

    Since March 2012.

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?

    They haven't really changed. When I first started I weighed all my food, and I no longer feel it's necessary to do that.

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?

    I'm still not at my goal weight, but I'm close to my goal "size" or "look", if you will. My goal weight was originally 155, and I'm not sure I'll ever quite get there - I think that would be too skinny for me. I'm shooting for muscular and 'd rather keep some curves.

    4. Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?

    No, not really. I have lazy days when I just don't care about the calories and some days I just don't feel like working out, but those days are few and far between.

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?

    I really don't have an answer to that. I've almost given up on MFP a couple times because I felt like I no longer needed it. But, I've made some good friends on here and I would miss them. I enjoy the kudos I get from my friends when I bust my butt, and I enjoy pushing my friends and watching them improve and meet their goals.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?

    Nov 2012

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?

    I logged religiously while I was losing; I haven't logged much at all since going to maintenance save for a spot check here and there.

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?

    Yes, but I never really had a specific goal weight. My goals have largely been health and fitness related moreso than hitting some arbitrary number on the scale.

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?

    No...for me, "old ways" means not exercising. I always ate pretty good and I'm a total I like quality and have never been much of a junk food eater or anything like that. My issues were that I got off track on my fitness with a desk job, family obligations, etc but I never accounted for that by reducing my consumption. I have since made fitness an intrinsic part of my life.

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?

    At the moment I use it primarily to talk shop with a few folks on my FR and I hope that I can help some people on the forums from time to time...but I don't really use it anymore to track my nutrition. I've been toying around with the idea of trying to get my BF% down to around 12-15%, but every time I try to cut my fitness and training suffers and I'm more into that right now than worrying about whether I'm 15% BF or 18% or whatever.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Some awesome responses here. Keep them coming!

    Glad to see me in great company re longer term users! (Maybe us long term users should start a new group?)

    Some interesting observations: very pleased that (like me) it seems most if not all of you have not returned to your pre-mfp weight! Yay! In fact some of you have even done better than me in reaching goal which you are maintaining (double yay!). Well done everyone!

    Some mixed reaction re whether you intend to use it long term. Some yes, some no, a few unsure. I have to be honest and say that I too have formed a different opinion at different stages of using mfp though I now tend to be in the "yes" category (for now, anyway).
  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?

    I have been using mfp since summer of 2012.

    2. How have your logging habits changed over time?

    Well lately not very regular. But I keep trying.

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?

    One of my goals was to get moving normally, after I injured my hip. When I first started, I was using a cane and couldn't walk to the end of the drive way. Now I am hiking, (sometimes) walking where I want, and doing some vigorous exercises. But I have to be careful, as I have had some set backs. Never have reached my weight goal yet, but I am still trying.

    4. Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so what did you do?

    Yes, over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Didn't worry to much about what I ate.

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool?

    I plan to keep my mfp account. I may take time off once in a while. But think I will come back, I like my friends.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?

    Since August 2010

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?

    I now pre-log almost everything. I changed from MFP settings to TDEE - 20% with a real focus on my macros

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?

    Reached a goal weight in early 2012, then discovered lifting and changed all my goals lol had a baby and now I'm just about back to where I was in 2012 again.

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?

    Maybe for a little bit during the first few months of having a newborn lol but I logged throughout most of my pregnancy and beyond.

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?

    I think so, for now at least I think I'll use it indefinitely. I use it as a tool to help me achieve my ever-changing goals and I like that it keeps me accountable and aware
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    1. How long have you used mfp for?

    I've used MFP for at least two years on separate accounts.

    2. How has your logging habits changed over time?

    I've made my diary public which has made me more accountable. I know that I am not just saying things to be comfortable with what I ate, I am logging every bite I put in my mouth so that I know exactly what a portion is. I weight my meats before and after cooking now. I understand exactly how different grams are from pieces. I also know that I can still lose weight even though I have slip ups in a healthy way of eating.

    3. Have you ever reached goal and if so at what point?

    I have reached my goal before, about a year ago. I have since lowered my goal.

    4 Have you ever reverted to your old ways whilst using mfp? If so, what did you do?

    I've never reverted to my old ways whilst using MFP because I believe in everything in moderation. You can eat whatever you want as long as you stick to portions. Yes, even those delicious chips and homemade onion dip are still open to you, just in moderation. And if you binge, account for it.

    5. Do you see mfp as a short term tool (stop using it when you are goal weight) or (like me) intend to use it indefinitely?

    I plan to use MFP indefinitely. If I stop I stop, if I keep using it I keep using it. It's a tool that helps me be mindful of the things I put in my body and lets me be accountable for keeping it properly fueled for every day activities.
  • hww1
    hww1 Posts: 8 Member
    I've used mfp for 2 years. I log fairly regularly, but I'm not religious about it. My weight has fluctuated some, but is more consistently down now. I always planned for slow weight loss, and I use this site to make me mindful of portion size and overall calories, but it doesn't rule my life. I've lost more weight than I was aware and this site has kept me focused on mindful eating.

    I don't use the goal info. exactly as they are set up. I set a minimum calorie/day goal, then I use that as a benchmark for reducing my intake. Most all the time, it tracks as "over" my calories, but it keeps me aware of my eating habits and then I'm okay with 2-300 calories over that minimum. I don't do well with limits, but I do like benchmarks to keep in mind.

    Over time, my cravings for sweets and impulses to overeat have been significantly reduced, whether I log in or not.