MFP Weight Predictions: It's just not happening for me!!

Hi everyone! Hopefully there are others who have been through this situation and can give me some more insight.At the end of every day when I complete my entry MFP will tell me "if every day were like today you should weigh a certain amount in 5 weeks". I am getting close to my 5 week prediction date but find that I am not close to that estimated goal weight...not at all!

I try to record my food as accurately as possible and my exercise as well (I need to step up my exercise game though). I also write in my recipes so that can be as accurate as possible as well. I'm not sure what it can be but have any of you experienced this???


  • monicapatituccijones
    monicapatituccijones Posts: 68 Member
    I ignore the prediction entirely. Everyone's metabolism is different. MFP's predictions might be accurate if we all burned calories at the same rate, but we don't. As long as you're still losing steadily over time, don't sweat it.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I try to record my food as accurately as possible and my exercise as well (I need to step up my exercise game though). I also write in my recipes so that can be as accurate as possible as well. I'm not sure what it can be but have any of you experienced this???

    'Trying' doesnt mean weight loss. Eating at a deficit = weight loss.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    Also, unless you're eating the same things every day, you're not going to hit that mark. Just keep logging and exercising and you'll have results.. like the poster above, it's a prediction from the website and not completely accurate based on you... just like MFP's calories burned for cardio exercises
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I've experienced this, too. I take one "cheat" day, but have been logging every day and staying close to my calorie limits. I should be about 115-116 by now, after 2 months of a 1200 calorie diet, and am still around 121.
  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    I ignore the prediction entirely. Everyone's metabolism is different. MFP's predictions might be accurate if we all burned calories at the same rate, but we don't. As long as you're still losing steadily over time, don't sweat it.

    @monicancapatituc Ahh I see what you mean, that makes sense! I will try my best to ignore that number and just take it a day at a time. I am losing weight just not at the rate MFP is predicting!
  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    Also, unless you're eating the same things every day, you're not going to hit that mark. Just keep logging and exercising and you'll have results.. like the poster above, it's a prediction from the website and not completely accurate based on you... just like MFP's calories burned for cardio exercises

    Thank you guys for all your feedback, I really appreciate it.
  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    I've experienced this, too. I take one "cheat" day, but have been logging every day and staying close to my calorie limits. I should be about 115-116 by now, after 2 months of a 1200 calorie diet, and am still around 121.

    I do the same thing. I usually have a cheat meal on Saturday but for the rest of the week I am eating clean. It keeps me sane, I can't entirely give up my comfort foods so I am learning to practice self control and save it as a treat for the weekend.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    It can be fun to have that little prediction at the bottom of your diary every night, but it's not something you should rely on. It says "If every day were like today", meaning if every day were EXACTLY like that, with the exact same number of calories. Even a variance of 10 calories will change that number, and even if you log your exercise, you may still burn more or less throughout any given day depending on your overall activity level and the amount of effort you put in.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I have my MFP profile set to very active, and I manually put in my calorie goal to my sedentary TDEE-- It wasn't until I did that that I started to get somewhat accurate predictions. ...Then again MFP thinks I should be eating 1200 calories and that is just wrong for my body. The goal setting section still says that I will only lose 0.2lbs per week but I actually lose about 1/wk which supports the TDEE numbers I got from and Keep in mind that there are so many factors that mess with that prediction. My number changes drastically between days where I do or don't workout.
  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    It can be fun to have that little prediction at the bottom of your diary every night, but it's not something you should rely on. It says "If every day were like today", meaning if every day were EXACTLY like that, with the exact same number of calories. Even a variance of 10 calories will change that number, and even if you log your exercise, you may still burn more or less throughout any given day depending on your overall activity level and the amount of effort you put in.

    @bajoyba. I definitely agree! Don't get me wrong I realize the predictions are just that but the thought of reaching your predicted goal in 5 weeks is a nice thought lol. I wondered if something was wrong since I am not near the number at all but as everyone has been saying there are too many factors to rely on those predictions being accurate.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    It can be fun to have that little prediction at the bottom of your diary every night, but it's not something you should rely on. It says "If every day were like today", meaning if every day were EXACTLY like that, with the exact same number of calories. Even a variance of 10 calories will change that number, and even if you log your exercise, you may still burn more or less throughout any given day depending on your overall activity level and the amount of effort you put in.

    @bajoyba. I definitely agree! Don't get me wrong I realize the predictions are just that but the thought of reaching your predicted goal in 5 weeks is a nice thought lol. I wondered if something was wrong since I am not near the number at all but as everyone has been saying there are too many factors to rely on those predictions being accurate.

    It would be nice! I'd be a very happy camper if that 5 week prediction were reality. lol :smile:
  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    It can be fun to have that little prediction at the bottom of your diary every night, but it's not something you should rely on. It says "If every day were like today", meaning if every day were EXACTLY like that, with the exact same number of calories. Even a variance of 10 calories will change that number, and even if you log your exercise, you may still burn more or less throughout any given day depending on your overall activity level and the amount of effort you put in.

    @bajoyba. I definitely agree! Don't get me wrong I realize the predictions are just that but the thought of reaching your predicted goal in 5 weeks is a nice thought lol. I wondered if something was wrong since I am not near the number at all but as everyone has been saying there are too many factors to rely on those predictions being accurate.

    It would be nice! I'd be a very happy camper if that 5 week prediction were reality. lol :smile:

    @bajoyba In a perfect world. I was just talking to my best friend last night and she mentioned how perfect it would be to sit and meditate 1-2 hrs per day on your weight loss and exercise and have the weight just magically disappear bc of your meditation. Lol in a perfect world! Until then there's MFP and the gym!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    It's just a projection based on linear math; unfortunately, weight loss is not a linear function and there's a whole lot more involved with your body weight than just fat...which is why it's a good idea to not obsess about the scale so much, it only tells a very small part of the bigger story. Place your focus on better nutrition, better fitness, being a better you and your overall path to wellness, not some arbitrary number on the scale.

    Focus on the results and you never see the change; focus on the change and you always see the results.
  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    It's just a projection based on linear math; unfortunately, weight loss is not a linear function and there's a whole lot more involved with your body weight than just fat...which is why it's a good idea to not obsess about the scale so much, it only tells a very small part of the bigger story. Place your focus on better nutrition, better fitness, being a better you and your overall path to wellness, not some arbitrary number on the scale.

    Focus on the results and you never see the change; focus on the change and you always see the results.

    I love the last quote you wrote "Focus on the results and you never see the change; focus on the change and you always see the results." Thank you for your words of encouragement!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I stopped closing my diary out at night because I hated seeing the predicted weight. It's never going to be accurate. I can understand how it would motivate some people, but it just made me frustrated.