New to MFP with some questions!

Hi there,
I posted this on the introduce yourself board too, but thought I would try here as well.

I'm new to MFP, but not new to weightoss. I did Jenny craig and lost 42 lbs. I kept if off for a while, gained back 7 and was trying to loose that when I broke my foot in September! I then managed to gain an additional 16 lbs. Now I'm injury free, back to running and need to drop those extra pounds. I'll be running my first full marathon in November that has a 5 hour time limit. I need to drop the extra pounds, not only to feel good again, but to have less to haul around for 42.2 Km! (I'm Canadian eh?!?! lol.)

Anyway, this is my question. I have a BMF and it shows that I tend to burn a large amount of calories. I'm having trouble figuring out a good deficit. If I can get help with this I would really appreciate it. I'm at such a loss. I figure my body can really only use so much. Do I need to hit a certain calorie target? Or just eat until I'm satisified? You'd think I would have this figured out by now, but since I started running, I really don't. I'm always holding on to my weight. There are days that I burn 3000 calories. Should I really eat 2500 or is that too much?? Can my body really use that??? Agh!! I hate being confused.
