A little advice here? anything..

I have been calorie counting at 1200cals per day and working out atleast 4 times a week for about an hour since the middle of January 2014. Since than I went from 156 to 136lbs. While i clearly lost weight and can feel it a little in the way my clothes fit,
I still see fat. Alot still in the mid section (which is my biggest problem area) and still some cellulite.
For meals, pretty much just consists of 100cal frozen greek yogurt in the morning, with either fruit or skim string cheese,
small coffee or green tea, lunch either a small salad or lean cruise meal, and dinner is either a salad again, lean cruise meal,
or homemade meal (sandwich, skinless chicken with a veggie). I always keep snacks in between meals as Fruit.
For working out, I switch it up between so much time on the treadmill (walking and running), and the Eliptical,
lifting weights and Sit ups. I just want to know more effective ways to lose FAT or if there is something I'm doing wrong OR
can improve on. I know you can't spot reduce, but I will do almost anything to see a noticible reduction in my stomach..


  • monicapatituccijones
    monicapatituccijones Posts: 68 Member
    I'd suggest eating more high-protein, low-carb snacks. 1200 calories a day is very low for someone exercising as much as you are.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    How tall are you? If you're within your healthy BMI you're going to find it harder to lose weight than when you were 20lbs heavier. That is also a lot of weight to lose in 2 months for a starting weight of 156lbs. Have you been dieting constantly since January? If so, and you really have excess fat to lose then you might benefit from a diet break to increase leptin and thyroid levels. These things slow weight loss and your body reaches a point where fat loss slows right down. I can't imagine you have a LOT of fat at 136lbs.

    If you're carrying fat around your middle this is a sign of insulin resistance and/or high cortisol levels. You might want to lower your intake of refined carbohydrates and make sure you're not too stressed, getting enough sleep and recovering effectively.
  • kittikat1119
    kittikat1119 Posts: 96 Member
    What kind of exercise are you doing? If it is just cardio that could be part of your problem. When I lift weights my body changes shape much faster than cardio alone and I lose inches where I need it (my stomach).
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I'd suggest eating more high-protein, low-carb snacks. 1200 calories a day is very low for someone exercising as much as you are.

    Where the macros are divided is not going to be what makes the difference in weight loss..

    OP you need to eat more, don't use MFP as your caloric needs calculator, rather use one on another website that allows you to insert the amount that you're working out weekly as well
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    If you want to look better .... stop worrying about the scale.

    Since you are at a healthy weight, I suggest you start doing a beginners weight lifting program. There are a lot of options out there on the internet.

    Eat more. Start lifting.
  • petefromguelph
    petefromguelph Posts: 84 Member
    If you want to look better .... stop worrying about the scale.

    Since you are at a healthy weight, I suggest you start doing a beginners weight lifting program. There are a lot of options out there on the internet.

    Eat more. Start lifting.

    Bingo. The scale can almost hinder progress I find. How are your clothes fitting? How do you FEEL?
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    Im worried upping my calories will just make me gain more, It was hard to even lose this much weight, it seems like I lose weight very very slowly, that or im just not working hard enough or eating well enough. as far as excerising, I do a mixture of walking and running on the treadmill, using the Eplitical, and using 3 different weight lifting machines at the gym.
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    I can see where I have gotten a little smaller in all other parts of my body, but my stomach feels like its literally bigger than
    my entire body. its almost uncomfortable and it's not any kind of bloating or water weight.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Im worried upping my calories will just make me gain more, It was hard to even lose this much weight, it seems like I lose weight very very slowly, that or im just not working hard enough or eating well enough. as far as excerising, I do a mixture of walking and running on the treadmill, using the Eplitical, and using 3 different weight lifting machines at the gym.

    Check out the TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculator on iifym.com. Find your sedentary TDEE, your BMR and your active TDEE. Use these as your guides. Unless you have a metabolic issue such as a thyroid issue- you will not gain weight by increasing your calories. Your BMR is the amount you need to be in a coma, you should be eating between your BMR and your TDEE.
  • petefromguelph
    petefromguelph Posts: 84 Member
    I can see where I have gotten a little smaller in all other parts of my body, but my stomach feels like its literally bigger than
    my entire body. its almost uncomfortable and it's not any kind of bloating or water weight.

    unfortunately you cant "choose where to lose". I have heard good things about the Stronglifts stuff... maybe take a peek at that?
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    I have been calorie counting at 1200cals per day and working out atleast 4 times a week for about an hour since the middle of January 2014. Since than I went from 156 to 136lbs. While i clearly lost weight and can feel it a little in the way my clothes fit,
    I still see fat. Alot still in the mid section (which is my biggest problem area) and still some cellulite.
    For meals, pretty much just consists of 100cal frozen greek yogurt in the morning, with either fruit or skim string cheese,
    small coffee or green tea, lunch either a small salad or lean cruise meal, and dinner is either a salad again, lean cruise meal,
    or homemade meal (sandwich, skinless chicken with a veggie). I always keep snacks in between meals as Fruit.
    For working out, I switch it up between so much time on the treadmill (walking and running), and the Eliptical,
    lifting weights and Sit ups. I just want to know more effective ways to lose FAT or if there is something I'm doing wrong OR
    can improve on. I know you can't spot reduce, but I will do almost anything to see a noticible reduction in my stomach..

    First and foremost... I agree with a lot of the posts above. You sort of jumped to the last option rather than starting at a more sensible calorie intake. You didn't leave yourself a lot of room to make adjustments, ya know? With my clients, I tend to find the calorie range of 10-12 per pound of body weight ideal for fat loss in *most* situations.

    More importantly I have them adopt a process oriented approach whereby they start by eating as many calories as possible while still allowing for a reasonable rate of weight loss over time. As the body adjusts and based on what's actually happening on the weight/physique fronts... we adjust our targets accordingly. It's this reason why starting at the bottom of the barrel in terms of calorie intake isn't the wisest choice.

    Secondly, you know that you can't spot reduce. But you really need to understand that generally speaking, first on in terms of fat storage will generally be last off. Dang those nasty genetics, right? We store fat in an order that's genetically predetermined. The same can be said for how we lose it. The latter tends to be the inverse of the former.

    So once you dial in your approach, you simply need to be patient. Building an ideal physique requires time measured in a year +.... not a few months.

    Oh, and cellulite. I hope you're not planning on completely ridding yourself of cellulite. You can lose fat until you're blue in the face but you can still have cellulite. Sure, fat loss can help. Building some muscle can help. But I know many very fit women who still rock cellulite to a degree. I just want to make sure your expectations are more aligned with reality here.

    As noted by others, your protein looks really low. Remember, this isn't about some number on the scale, as evidenced by your concern over your belly. We want to look better nekkid. This requires paying attention to body composition and eating sufficient protein plays a big role in optimizing body comp.
  • monicapatituccijones
    monicapatituccijones Posts: 68 Member
    Many people are carb sensitive. I had a lot more success when I lowered my carb intake, even with the same number of calories. High-carb snacks are usually crap anyway. (I don't eat low-carb, just lower carb than I used to.)
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    You've list 20 lbs since mid-January. That is 2 lbs a week which is the upper end of healthy rate of loss. You are at a healthy weight. I would seriously consider figuring out your TDEE and upping your intake 100 cals a day a week at a time until you reach maintenance, upping protein intake, and lifting heavy. Building muscle or strength to burn fat and recomp will do more for you at this point than losing more weight
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    I do have a thyroid issue (hypothryodism) but Im on medication for it and as of recently my levels are good.
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    and how much protein per day?
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Im worried upping my calories will just make me gain more, It was hard to even lose this much weight, it seems like I lose weight very very slowly, that or im just not working hard enough or eating well enough. as far as excerising, I do a mixture of walking and running on the treadmill, using the Eplitical, and using 3 different weight lifting machines at the gym.

    What are these 3 machines?

    And, why machines? Are you not comfortable using free weight? Don't know what to do? Gym doesn't have any? Medical issues prevent using free weights?
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Im worried upping my calories will just make me gain more, It was hard to even lose this much weight, it seems like I lose weight very very slowly, that or im just not working hard enough or eating well enough. as far as excerising, I do a mixture of walking and running on the treadmill, using the Eplitical, and using 3 different weight lifting machines at the gym.


    You've lost 20 lbs in what... 10 weeks?

    That's 2 lbs per week, on average.

    That's substantial for someone your size. It sounds to me like your expectations are a bit off when it comes to rate of weight loss.

    Also, you say you use 3 different machines in the gym. What are they? It sounds a bit restrictive or limiting. Ideally, on the strength training side of the equaation, which is very important, you're hitting all of the big movement patterns at least a couple of times per week - think squat patterns, hip hinge patterns, pushing variations, and pulling variations. This is often why you see the advise to follow a 2-3 x/wk full body routine for fat loss. It works will and fits the bill. Of course there are many other ways of structuring things too. But my point is... by limiting yourself to 3 machines, I'm wondering if you're really targeting the entire gamut.

    Oh, and as far as gaining weight when calories are brought up...

    Let me ask you this. Your weight loss will eventually stall. It's the way this works. And when it does, you want to have some wiggle room, calorically speaking, to milk more progress. When you're as low as you are, though... what are your options? Are you going to cut to 1000? 800? And if so, what will that mean for muscle preservation and thus physique optimization? Health? Energy? Sustainability?

    I think a few steps in reverse in order to set yourself up for longer term success is in order.
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    I don't feel like the weight I lost has all been FAT. I'm looking for ways to lose more FAT, as I continue working out and eating clean. not just loosing, water weight, muscle or whatever. and im not limiting myself at the gym. The three machines I use for weight lifting are just my favorites at the gym.
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    My goal weight is 120lbs at least. and even when i was that weight in the past, i still had a decent sized belly.
    Im trying to figure out a way to be that weight again WITH a flatter stomach..does that make sense?
    That is my absolute goal here..what I just said above...