Mean comments



  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    I don't think hiding behind a computer screen and not being face-to-face with someone should validate any sort of rude or sarcastic remarks. Just because this is the internet, does not mean we should be any less supportive or 'blunt,' which is a cover up for actually being rude. Yes, there is the whole 'freedom of speech' argument, however having the right to say as you please, does not mean you should be hateful because of the power to remain anonymous over the internet or because you simply have the right to be. The truth is, not everyone interprets your meaning as what you want it to come across as. Not everyone has the same sense of humor, it's extremely hard to produce a tone in written work, and you just generally should be a decent person to everyone because you have no idea what they're going through.

    Motivation and support forums should not be met with hostility or sarcasm. Everyone starts somewhere, and when people choose to start here, you should be aware that they obviously don't know everything, especially because they're asking a question. There's a lot of misinformation and b.s. that is being targeted towards us every day, and it's normal for people to ask whether it's true or false.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    This is a futile thread. I feel like you posted it knowing you would get gifs and "mean" comments that you can complain about and create more unnecessary drama. Carry on.
  • fit_war
    fit_war Posts: 985 Member

    is THIS sriracha?

    :sick: :sick: :sick: :laugh:
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    We see threads like these a lot. I believe that there are some genuinely rude people here, but you also have to remember that every single helpful poster on these boards has been called a rude, mean, jerk face at some point or another for providing factual, helpful information that someone didn't like or because they didn't include enough smilies with their posts.

    If you have a problem with someone then report their posts or use the ignore button.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I must be the rogue data point in here. I've been logging since June 23, 2013 and I haven't received a single mean comment.

    I have been on here off and on since 2011. Not a single mean comment.
    Now I'm feeling left out...someone say something snarky/mean to me...NOW! :tongue:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    popcorn eating gif's are sooooooooo 2013


    I prefer grilled or smoked meat.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't think hiding behind a computer screen and not being face-to-face with someone should validate any sort of rude or sarcastic remarks. Just because this is the internet, does not mean we should be any less supportive or 'blunt,' which is a cover up for actually being rude. Yes, there is the whole 'freedom of speech' argument, however having the right to say as you please, does not mean you should be hateful because of the power to remain anonymous over the internet or because you simply have the right to be. The truth is, not everyone interprets your meaning as what you want it to come across as. Not everyone has the same sense of humor, it's extremely hard to produce a tone in written work, and you just generally should be a decent person to everyone because you have no idea what they're going through.

    Motivation and support forums should not be met with hostility or sarcasm. Everyone starts somewhere, and when people choose to start here, you should be aware that they obviously don't know everything, especially because they're asking a question. There's a lot of misinformation and b.s. that is being targeted towards us every day, and it's normal for people to ask whether it's true or false.

    Not everyone responds to the same kind of support. I'm thin-skinned and I'm not a blunt person, generally. However, it doesn't offend me when other people are. We just respond better to different communication styles. There's nothing wrong with that. And I shouldn't be trying to force people who are naturally blunt to fit my sensibilities anymore than they should be trying to force me to fit theirs. Just take what's helpful for you and leave the rest.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I don't think hiding behind a computer screen and not being face-to-face with someone should validate any sort of rude or sarcastic remarks. Just because this is the internet, does not mean we should be any less supportive or 'blunt,' which is a cover up for actually being rude. Yes, there is the whole 'freedom of speech' argument, however having the right to say as you please, does not mean you should be hateful because of the power to remain anonymous over the internet or because you simply have the right to be. The truth is, not everyone interprets your meaning as what you want it to come across as. Not everyone has the same sense of humor, it's extremely hard to produce a tone in written work, and you just generally should be a decent person to everyone because you have no idea what they're going through.

    Motivation and support forums should not be met with hostility or sarcasm. Everyone starts somewhere, and when people choose to start here, you should be aware that they obviously don't know everything, especially because they're asking a question. There's a lot of misinformation and b.s. that is being targeted towards us every day, and it's normal for people to ask whether it's true or false.
    There are some folks who will interpret any disagreement with their position as mean and hateful. Should we avoid voicing any disagreement with someone's stated position - regardless of its merits - in order to avoid being 'mean' or 'hateful' in the eyes of these people?
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member




  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I just kind of want to get this off my chest, and put it out there for new folks. MFP is basically a really great place to get support. There are a few people, however, that feel like it is necessary to be insulting. For the most part it just rolls off my back, but I have supporting people in my life. I feel bad for the folks who this is there only place to get support and they get ugly hateful comments. So for you new people … if someone is ugly don't engage them … if you make friends with someone who puts you down ditch them. There are those who feel being nice is "enabling" WHEN YOU ARE ENCOURAGING A PERSON TO CONTINUE IN HURTFUL BEHAVIOR BECAUSE YOU ARE AFRAID TO TELL THE TRUTH and being mean "is being supportive" WHEN THE PERSON WILL NOT LISTEN TO KIND WORDS AND THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO SAY IT EXCEPT BLUNTLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE DRANK THAT MUCH OF THE KOOL-AID

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Save the drama for your mama!

    Seriously, this has to be one of the easiest places to interact with other people on the internet. I take it you haven't had much experience with what it CAN be like almost anyplace but here. These main boards are super friendly and helpful. Maybe 1 or 2 bad eggs, but they don't usually last long, because MFP has pretty strict posting rules. Maybe people just aren't telling you what you want to hear, so you tell yourself that they are being 'mean'.
  • phillrn
    phillrn Posts: 338 Member
    nice post..I made the mistake of posting a question not long ago.. the comments from some were so hateful that I requested mfp pull the thread and they did...really don't know why some people have to be like that??
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member

  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Mean comments. Go to MSNBC home page. Click on ANY news story and then read the comments that ensue. The name calling, mud throwing, and death threats are an everyday occurrence.

    It's the internet. Everybody posts. Take the comments you find helpful and move on. These threads never bring change.
  • gabbymom2
    gabbymom2 Posts: 175 Member
    Smile! Most of us are nice!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If you think this place is bad, may I recommend staying away from forms that specialize in:

    Video Games
    Religion name a few.

    Seriously, MFP is one of the tamest forums I've ever seen.

    I agree. there are also financial forums that discuss investment strategies and how to save money or buy a house and things like that. You wouldn't believe how downright nasty those get. You wouldn't think so, but they do.

    I accidentally wound up on a fishing forum once, and I couldn't believe people were arguing about stuff, big time. i was just rolling thinking about arguing about fishing. LOL

    Lastly, I used to be a pro photographer, and there are pro photographer forums, and OMG those get really nasty. Like, if you go on and say, "I only shoot black and white film", then the next person will say, "Do you also ride in a horse and buggy?"...then from there it just gets ridiculous. LOL. Who knew?

    I still need to find a plumbers forums though. I think that would be hilarious to see them arguing about plumbing stuff.

    Hahaha! Arguing about fishing and plumbing. How silly.

  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I don't see as many rude comments as I do people who take what the OP is saying and twist it into something that was never stated. They might take one comment out of a paragraph and respond to that, bashing it, criticizing it, whatever the case may be, and it was just a small glimmer of the overall post.

    Otherwise, I do see a lot of supportive people. It is also hard to read context when you don't know someone. Something I may type that my friends would take nicely because they know how I take may not be interpreted well on the internet. Therefore, I am annoying and use a lot of smiley faces :)

    but just like in real life, people can also be rude, unhelpful, and jerks. Those people are probably jerks in real life too and you wouldn't want to be friends with them outside of MFP. You don't have to listen to them on MFP either.

    Just hang in there, find the friends you like, and stick with them :) It shouldn't hinder you from posting, either!
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Bodybuilding and powerlifting forums are much more hostile than this one. Its rather mild in my opinion. I have seen a few dumb postings on here. There was one about "Thigh Gap". I could see where that one would attract some rude comments. I couldn't believe that thread went on for 14 pages.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    hi guize.
    i have experienced the same thing here. i asked a question (without searching) about a cleanse while i'm on a sub-1,000cal/day diet while logging light dusting as a 600cal burn. the cleanse didnt seem to be having any positive results and i was tired all the time, but i read on a site that was authored by my sisters friends brothers ex-roommate that cleanses are good for the toxinz. also, i couldnt figure out why i had no eating PLENTY! some days i cant even get to the ,1000 calories.

    anywho...i came to the forums and asked my questions.
    next thing you know i had people telling me that cleanses are a waste of money, and that my body cleans itself of toxinz wiff my organs. some nerve!
    THEN people had the AUDACITY to tell me that 1,000calories a day was not enough food!
    some jerk suggested i calculate my TDEE (or some crap i know nothing about) so i could sustain healthy weightloss via caloric deficit. he even offered to help me run my numbers but i bet he was a creep and just wanted to see me naked.

    ONE person in my thread said they had started the same cleanse i was looking at the day prior, and that they felt GREAT! i expected so much more support on a web site that is meant to SUPPORT.

    today i was going to ask about doing a water fast and eliminating all carbs, but i figured forget it...people are just jerks here anyway.

    so i went to and they are VERY supportive of water fasts.

    this site is full of bullies.
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