Hamburger Helper Serving Size

I try to stay away from HH because of the carbs, but occasionally we end up having it. The nutrition information has "as packaged" and "prepared." Obviously I know I need to use the "prepared" when tracking calories. However, the serving size and amount of servings don't seem to add up so I have trouble tracking. For example, a box of stroganoff says a serving size is one cup and there are 5 servings. If I take a cup and I give my husband a cup, there are definitely not 3 cups left. Has anyone else noticed this? So I'm concerned if I mark down that I ate one cup, I am not accounting for all the calories because there are clearly not 5 cups in a prepared batch.


  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Does it have the weight? A packed cup vs a loosely packed up, or a dry cup measure vs a wet cup measure are totally different and (likely) extremely unreliable.
  • uhhhDoodle
    uhhhDoodle Posts: 41 Member
    When I eat things like Hamburger Helper or Kraft Mac and Cheese, I go by the recommended weight of the serving. I've found that measuring things into cups isn't as accurate as, say, grams within the serving. I use a small, inexpensive kitchen scale I bought off of Amazon for this.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Does it also give grams next to serving size? Perhaps you should weigh it.
  • fedup30
    fedup30 Posts: 141 Member
    I would try to separate the servings into 5 containers evenly. I have a kitchen scale, and that helps me. I never end up with the EXACT amount "cup-wise" when I make pasta, rice or whatever, so I usually just take the whole amount and divide into servings right away. Also helps keep me from taking seconds :happy:
  • crazymama2both
    crazymama2both Posts: 195 Member
    weight it...the best 20 bucks i ever spent was on my food scale. i dug it out in my move recently and replaced the battery and VOILA!!! i've never been more excited about that damn thing...
  • apotter05
    apotter05 Posts: 2 Member
    It has the weight for "as packaged" but not prepared. I'll just divide it up into 5 servings. Thanks for the replies :bigsmile: