Strength Training and Cardio for Weight Loss

What are your tips for exercise for weightloss when you have a lot to lose? Is it best to do cardio and stregnth training so that you tone as you lose? Lots of cardio?
I realize that when you tone you are not going to see the results on the scales as quickly because you build muscle. ...

What kinds of exercises do you recommend so you don't get board?


  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I am finding that I lift 3 days a week and then do 2 Zumba classes a week works pretty well. When I first started lifting it took a month or so for me to figure out my eating levels I was hungrier and have cardio b/c I was tired with lifting. I started Charlene Extreme in Jan and made it about 5 weeks before I took a break because of this. I started back up in March and can now do lifting and some cardio. I think it depends on the person and an adjustment period. Or at least this was my experience. I am also still really new to this and still finding my way around what works. It was this second time around that I started losing some on the scale. I did get my mindset around that fact that the scale is not the only factor; take measurements and pictures.
    and listen to your body, if you need a rest day TAKE IT.
  • leachjg
    leachjg Posts: 63 Member
    I am finding that I lift 3 days a week and then do 2 Zumba classes a week works pretty well. When I first started lifting it took a month or so for me to figure out my eating levels I was hungrier and have cardio b/c I was tired with lifting. I started Charlene Extreme in Jan and made it about 5 weeks before I took a break because of this. I started back up in March and can now do lifting and some cardio. I think it depends on the person and an adjustment period. Or at least this was my experience. I am also still really new to this and still finding my way around what works. It was this second time around that I started losing some on the scale. I did get my mindset around that fact that the scale is not the only factor; take measurements and pictures.
    and listen to your body, if you need a rest day TAKE IT.

    Good advice. I've always done circuit dvd's which will tone you. Truly I don't get the mindset of losing all the weight I want then start training to gain weight and muscle. Why not do it all once! Anyway doing it that way in my own house got me to 60lbs in two years. I joined a crossfit box about a month ago. So I do that twice a week, run 2-3 times a week and still do those dvd's 2-3 days a week. I work out a total of 6 days a week, but I love to change it up! Your body learns muscle memorization and so you want to make sure you aren't constantly doing the same thing.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    If you have a lot to lose I think low intensity exercise is a great way to start; ie. walking everyday as far as you can comfortably go, then just keep adding time and distance. I had a personal trainer tell me that there isn't much difference between two and three days a week and tht two days a week will get you there. I think your hunger can stay steadier if you start aerobic first and then add strenth training; just my opinion. But good luck, and if you cannot face doing something each day just do a little tiny bit for your own self esteem and to keep in the habit of exercise and calorie counting.
    Also for strength training, it will take probably 6 months to see muscle definition from when you begin so dont worry about what you do, just do something and realize it will take time to get there, but definitely possible. Strength training makes your body look so much better when you are losing weight, that it will make you look like you have lost more weight than you actually have. haha
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    For weight loss a calorie deficet is all that is needed.

    For health yes exercise is good. Cardio for heart and lung health, weight lifting or some sort of resistence training (and adequate protien) for preserving muscle mass.

    You wont gain muscle eating at a deficet and because you are is very hard for a woman to gain muscle eating at a surplus let alone at a deficet.

    I started out with 30 Day shred...for two rounds then started Strong lifts 5x5 three times a I still lift heavy still and do HIIT 2x a week.

    Weight lifting aids in fat is good to start is sooner rather than later.
  • wickedpursuit
    wickedpursuit Posts: 47 Member
    Strength training! I don't care for cardio much - never have and never will - so the majority of my exercise is strength-based. I go 3 times a week these days, but was able to do just fine with 2 days before. Incidentally, if you do the strength training while you're still working toward your weight loss goal, you'll be even stronger than if you'd waited to do the exercises until you were at your goal. Look at doing bodyweight exercises, like squats and pushups and the like. You don't need to shell out for a gym membership unless you want to; there is a LOT you can do at home without buying equipment.

    Ultimately, any kind of exercise is GOOD; the important thing is to find something you enjoy and do that.
  • ragan4bama
    ragan4bama Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks everyone!!