Hip Hop Abs?

Is it good.... I always loved dancing even wanted to have a career in dance at one point but then I had my beautiful son... I was wondering if it really works you... Also does it have tons of dance or just working out I got some dance workouts that aren't really dancing just dance techinuque which gets boring I want to be pumped up and dancing around.. not sitting there doing sutff extremely slow... Would you recommend? just wondering because I was thinking about it next week and wanted to hear about it first


  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    It's fun. I won LV 1 and LV2

    Almost done w/ LV 2 - it's my last week. When I suck in my stomach I can see some improvement in my abs.

    So atleast I know when my flab goes away I'll have some good looking abs LOL
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    Here's my response to a similar question a while back:
    I have hip hop abs, original and part 2. I ordered both from Amazon, so I didn't pay a lot of money. I love hip hop abs. I know this sounds like such a common phrase, but it really is a good program. I haven't lost a ton of weight but that is because of my eating habits (which I am slowly modifying for the better.) I have lost some inches I feel like, because I went from pants size 16 to size 14 and shirt size XL to size L. This program is really good, because when I absolutely don't feel like exercising, I just think about hip hop abs and my mood instantly changes. I would say the program is good for staying power. I can do this program in great shape or poor shape. It is very adaptable and fairly easy for any fitness level. I just started back after being away from it for about a month. I did the program with ease, as if I'd never left! and it burns so many calories in a short amount of time. I can't say enough positive things about it. I say go for it!
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Glad people who have actually worked with Hip Hop adds are responding.

    Read your post and saw you like dancing and wanted to throw it out there that if you have the support at home and can get out for an hour or so, try Zumba or another "dance" fitness class! OMG so much fun! I was a "clubber" in my younger days, LOVED to go out dancing every week. I have that "feeling" back now that I'm regularly dancing again :) I'm big into hip hop/reggae/soca as well as the latin beats though, so I moved on from Zumba and found something with more variety (Zumba is primarily latin dancing). The program I go to is local though, http://fuzionworkout.com/ but I'm sure you can find something similar in your area.

    That said, I have two girls aged 2 and 4 and no how hard it is to find that "time for yourself" when they're young. Videos are a great alternative!
  • BeSexy
    I've done Hip Hop Abs and loved it! It's some dance, dance time aerobic moves but still a lot of work, but fun. However, I did order mine with the advanced workouts, since I had a lot to lose, and it came with bonus workouts that actually teaches you some really neat combo's you could easily do at a club and look freaking awesome! I got mine thru Beachbody and got the weighted gloves, schedule, tape measure, 7 day slim down plan along with some other tools. I did the 7 day slim down program and lost 10 lbs that 1st week!!!

    It's a great program! I highly recommend it!

    Independent Beachbody Coach BeSexy
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hip Hop Abs is a good workout. The last time I did it was last weekend and I burned over 500 calories.
  • txmomma0889
    txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member
    thanks guys I am def getting it now sounds like so much fun I can't wait to start