can't get back on track :(

I went on vacation last week and was able to maintain my weight. However, since Saturday I've had a three day binge and most of it was sugar. I'm disgusted and scared because I do not want to gain weight. What is causing this? I thought I was eating enough. This is disgusting and discouraging. I can't seem to get back on track


  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I have the same problem! When I turned 21 I spent a whole week drinking, celebrating, going out with friends. Then for a whole week afterward I couldn't seem to get a hold of myself again. I wish I had better advice, but I just got through it by sheer force of will. I wrote notes on my hands that said things like "remember how gross you felt last night? is it worth that again?"

    I also challenged myself to little bets, I would track out my entire day in food and force myself not to stray from the path I had already made. I would write an apple down in my diary the night before, then the next day, whether I wanted an apple or not, I made myself eat it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    if this is disgusting and discouraging, i have good news: you are completely in control of your own actions and what you eat and how you exercise.

    from what i've seen, a lot of people do great when they completely eliminate something from their diets, such as sugar. they might go weeks or months without splurging, but then after a vacation or a night out they slip up and can't recover.

    so maybe you need to add in these things that you're staying away from. have a slice of pizza once or twice a week. enjoy a piece of chocolate, or whatever on occasion.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    It sounds like you are hinting that you were sugar free and then ate sugar on vacay and then upon returning have had a sugar filled 3 that correct?
  • DawnT62
    DawnT62 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey you! Of course you CAN get back on track! First, stop with the negative talk, turn can't to can, and all that. Now: take it breath by breath. Just lean into it. I read a book recently about willpower. To sum it up: the authors have found that we can exercise "willpower" and deprive ourselves. BUT, we can't live in deprivation for very long and then our "willpower" crumbles and we binge on the exact thing we seek to avoid! So, take it easy and replace bad habits with good. Don't deprive yourself. Take care of yourself. Get tough and strong one small choice at a time. You can. You must. You will.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Yes you can <3
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    Thank you everyone. Tomorrow's another day I guess. But actually, I am quite the opposite if sugar free; I eat a treat after dinner daily and I eat jelly, among other sweet foods throughout my day. I don't deprive myself of anything, and I ate quite well on vacation. That's why I'm having trouble figuring out where this is coming from
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The past can't be changed. What is done is done. All you can do is start anew tomorrow. The sooner you leave the past behind and start over, the sooner you'll see results.