New here..!


So I literally just came across this page and think it's brilliant, I don't really know how it all works so any info would be great thanks.

A little bit about me: I'm 21 years old (female) and have been on my weight loss journey since July 2013, I guess something just clicked in me and I was finally ready to start being healthy. All my life I was described as having "such a pretty face", but knenw what they were really is thinking "shame about the body". I've never been small, at 5"10 it's very easy to carry that extra weight. All my friends are beautiful and sizes 8-10 (uk), even back in school I have never been that small and was a size 20 at my biggest. University didn't help, lots of food and alcohol took it's toll so after I moved back home I gave myself a time frame and decided that after the weekend of my 21st birthday I was going to make a change. I had had my fun and now it was time to finally be the person I always wished I was.

Joining a gym in summer was the best decision I mmade, it wasn't too full and people minded their own business. I started eating a calorie controlled diet and before I knew it it was christmas and I'd lost almost 3st! (around 40 odd pounds). My starting weight was 17st8.5lbs/246lb and I aim to be a healthy 12st7/175lbs (don't wanna lose the curves now do I?!). I am 24lbs off my goal and would love to have reached it within a year of when I started, my aim is to lose that remaining weight by July 2014.

Although I'm so proud of what I've achieved, I still feel as though I will always look in the mirror and have body issues. No matter what anybody says I will think that other girls look better, but I guess I'm working on that.

I joined this because thruthfully I think I annoy my friends and family talking about this kinda stuff all the time so would be good to meet some people who are in the same boat. And hopefully I can shed that last 24lbs on the way!

Anyway, I don't really know how this all works or what I should be writing so sorry if it's seemed a bit of a ****ty intro.

So yeah that's me in a nutshell, happy Monday :)


  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Welcome! I've sent you a friend request. I'd suggest being honest with yourself, log everything, and add some friends! The motivation really helps! Best of luck!