Comparing myself to others

I am feeling crummy right now thinking about the girls that are thinner than me. I feel ugly and disgusting and I am tired of feeling fat
And I haven't slept all night (it's now 7 am in Taiwan) because of you-know-what, apparently it's not so appropriate to talk about it on this forum >.> Wish I could sleep at night


  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    Awe *HUGS* I think it's completely normal.... I think everyone has these moments. I think you're cute :smile: not heavy
  • MayaDyra
    MayaDyra Posts: 90
    Thanks for the hugs. I'm sick of this BS. I can't sleep at night, I'm wide awake, and I just don't feel safe and have no clue what to do to start feeling safe again, yeah I'm seeing a therapist, have seen her twice, but what am I supposed to do on an everyday basis to feel peaceful and safe in this world? I can't do stuff during the day because I can't sleep at night and I overall feel quite disgusting. My only consolation is thinking that if I was thinner Kazik would have been there for me and I wouldn't have to deal with the aftermath of sexual assault by myself, I say consolation because it's lovely to imagine what life would be like if I felt safe. :sad: I can't take this any more, I wish I had sleeping pills to help me fall asleep.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I know its hard, but comparing yourself to others is just not the way to go. I posted on the forums a little while ago about my own realization with this, but I can't find it. Happily I also posted it on my blog.

    I'm glad you are talking to someone and getting help. Can you find some self defense classes?
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Breathe. You'll be alright. Remind yourself of why you're doing this. A lot of those skinny people are "skinny fat". Believe me, I know. I'm in China and while all the woman are stick thin (especially compared to this western girl's body), they have no muscle tone and couldn't lift anything over 7 kg without hurting themselves!

    People's bodies are made differently, and it's about learning to love yours for what you have been given. Save this post and come back to look at it when you're at your goal weight.