Carb Cycling

I just started carb cycling on monday. I asked my trainer (of nine months) what I needed to do now that i have all this muscle, but finally want to lose those last 5-8lbs of fat that are hanging around. He's been nagging and nagging me about my diet and I'm finally sick of the extra few pounds that shouldn't be there. Especially considering the intense weight training and cardio I do. He said, "Brityn, I'm doing everything I can to get you to trim out, but ultimately what's left is all in your diet"

I work at a mexican restaurant (delicious) 45-50 hours a week and we have this magic window in the kitchen and you just walk up and order whatever greasy, fatty, delicious thing you want and the cooks whip it up and pass it through... so, needless to say, I need to practice a little self control and get my diet in check....

So, a couple of my friends and I are doing a "final few" competition. See who can lose those last few pounds first, and then keep them off for thirty days. (so that it's real weight loss, not just temporary)

My trainer said that carb cycling was the way to go. That's what he did when he was doing competitions. He said it's the best way to get rid of the fat quickly without losing the lean muscle. I researched it and think I have it down (pretty complex) But i'm up for the challenge.

I took 'before' pictures, so, in a couple weeks i'll post my results! There's money in the challenge just to keep us all motivated!