No energy to exercise

Hey all,

I am just getting started on weight loss and I can't muster up the energy to exercise. I feel as though I am dragging my feet all day at work and when I get home I just want to crash on the couch. I tried exercising in the morning but it made me so sleepy during my work day that it seems better to do at night before my nightly hot shower so I cant sleep really well. I experimented drinking a small amount of coffee and it got me exercising but then I was alert at night and couldn't sleep. Any suggestions?

Grace from Oakland, CA


  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Maybe you are going too hard too fast - Start slow - walking, light exercise. It will get better but it will take time - be patient.
  • GorditaCrunch6
    Thanks. I feel pressure for a deadline coming up to fit into my wedding dress. I a definitely going hard on myself for this reason...
  • jakeya16
    jakeya16 Posts: 40
    Don't work out so hard and make sure you ate getting enough nutrients from your food. Also make sure you get enough sleep at night. The more whole healthy foods you eat, the better you feel.
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    If your body is not use to working out, of course your feet are going to drag,your not going to have the energy. Main two things. You have to make sure your fueling your body with healthy food choices. Lots of veggies,fruit and water. Then you have to find a exercise program you enjoy and your excited about. Your soulmate workout! Once you push your body, give yourself at least 1 week of some exercise you like. I promise you will start feeling better.I hope that helps. If you need any more advice or help please feel free to message me. Good luck to you!
  • Ivanna_B
    Ivanna_B Posts: 23 Member
    I find that once I go home after work, I don't want to get up again to exercise so I've been taking my gym clothes with me and going to the gym STRAIGHT after work. It used to be hard going to the gym after work (although easier than going after I got home) so I would have to coach myself through it:

    "I'm just changing my clothes, " I would think then "I'm just putting on my running shoes" then "I'm just going to drive to the gym" then "I'll just walk into the gym and maybe do 10 minutes on the elypitcal (an exercise I like) . . . " then "maybe I'll do some squats (an exercise I don't like) and so on and so forth. The next thing I know, I've just done an hour at the gym and feel re-energerized!

    I set a goal of 3 timse per week but know that I'm really hoping to go more. That way, on days where I REALLY don't want to go, I have other days to make up for it without feeling bad for missing my goal.

    The gym is not a habit yet. I still have to coach myself through it from time to time but I'm finding that, the more I go, the better I feel about myselfand the more energy I have. I also sometimes CRAVE it (especially when I'm in a funk or having a bad day). And not only am I beginning to feel more energy during the day, I'm beginning to sleep better at night. I hope this helps!!!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    "I'm just changing my clothes, " I would think then "I'm just putting on my running shoes" then "I'm just going to drive to the gym" then "I'll just walk into the gym and maybe do 10 minutes on the elypitcal (an exercise I like) . . . " then "maybe I'll do some squats (an exercise I don't like) and so on and so forth. The next thing I know, I've just done an hour at the gym and feel re-energerized!
    This is (nearly) the exact advice I give. There's a few times when I don't even bother to go home first. I take my shoes and some running attire to work and run there.

    Barring that, don't join a gym, join a club. I'm in two one for running and one for cycling. The running club is the highlight of my week and if it weren't for cycling club, I probably wouldn't ride at all. No one in either club cares how fast or slow anyone is.
  • Ivanna_B
    Ivanna_B Posts: 23 Member

    Barring that, don't join a gym, join a club. I'm in two one for running and one for cycling. The running club is the highlight of my week and if it weren't for cycling club, I probably wouldn't ride at all. No one in either club cares how fast or slow anyone is.

    That's excellent advice!!!! I joined a running club ("Marathon Matt" in San Francisco) and it was an EXCELLENT motivator! It was scary to do at first because I knew I wasn't a runner and feared I would lag behind everyone. My fears were realized because I really WAS the slowest runner! In fact, people used to look for me as a check to make sure everyone was back! But, the funny thing is that, even though I was slow, no one made me feel bad about it and everyone was really supportive (there was always someone waiting for me at the finish line or sometimes even someone who would jog back to help run me in)! Also, it's easier to improve when you're starting at the bottom and working your way up (Matt used to tell me that someone who runs a mile in 12 minutes is going to see more improvements over the year than someone who runs a mile in 6) so I knew I would eventually work myself into the middle of the pack. I loved the camaraderie and positive energy so much that the group quickly became the highlight of my week. I had to drop out of the group because of a knee injury but plan to re-enroll as soon as I can (I think I'll be in it this winter). If you need motivation to work out, finding a group of people that will encourage and nudge you along the way and make working out fun is a GREAT way to do it.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    How many calories a day are you eating?

    If you could open your diary we might be able to help.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Make sure your deficit isn't too large, but otherwise since you're just starting this could be expected. I felt really icky for my first 3 weeks and didn't feel like I had a lot of spare energy until a few months after I started. No harm in starting with food and moving slowly into exercise at a later date. That's what I did, I waited until I felt less overwhelmed.

    ETA: Try working out right after work when you can have a 4:00 coffee but still have it wear off before bed.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I agree to make sure your deficit isn't too big. With less than 50 pounds to lose (as per your profile), you should be aiming for 1 to 1.5 pounds loss a week, which is about 500 calories a day less than you use. Make sure you have your goal and activity level correct on your settings and eat back about half your exercise calories (with a good balance of macronutrients).

    If you haven't been exercising, start out light - 30 minute walks or 30 minutes moderate intensity on the elliptical or something like that. As you get used to exercising, you energy level should rise as long as you're fueling your body well enough.

    I understand the "deadline" of your wedding. But in all honesty, you'll be a much happier bride if you feel good even if you aren't as trim as you'd hoped, than if you overdo it and feel miserable all the way up to the wedding to fit into a certain size. (I'll admit, I have a vice for the stupid show Bridezillas, and I've noticed that those who obsess about losing weight, or making their bridesmaids lose weight, to fit in a dress tend to be so much worse 'zillas, and usually end up secretly binging anyway :laugh:)

    Go for the reasonable goal, do what you can in the time you have, and consider investing in a good pair of Spanx or a corset and enjoying your day!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    The time to exercise is different for everyone. I used to do it at night for convenience purposes... but I wasn't giving it my all and skipped often enough because I was tired. Morning time is definately my time to do it. I am energized and pumped!! Then I walk away feeling like a beast :) I think the energy levels will come for you during the day, but you need to make sure you are fueling yourself properly too. I know when I don't eat often enough, I get sooooo friggin sleepy.