Couch to 5k

For anyone that is also doing this using an app this thread is for you.

So I tried to start mine today and when it comes to walking briskly or doing other exercises I am good but I really struggle with running, and couldn't even do the 1 min runs the app had set up. I mean I did about 3 out of 8 but it was a struggle am wondering how am I going to do it if I can't even run. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions? Thanks, all is appreciated.



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Soooooooooooo THAT"S how you spell it!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    C25K got me running. The best tip I got and can pass on is to slow down. If you cannot speak simple sentences while you are running, you're going too fast. It sounds're probably thinking that you are already running so slow and can't go slower but you can.
    Concentrate on making it through the run sessions, in any way you can. Your stamina will grow. You'll feel amazing when you complete each day's training.
    Also, have your feet measured and your gait analyzed at a running shoe store. They are great at finding the right shoe for you, which will prevent injuries.
    So, go to a running store and get shoes fit to your feet (take an old pair of shoes with you so they can see your tread wear) and slow down while running.
    Have fun. C25K works. Congratulations on getting started.
  • Ascernia
    Ascernia Posts: 7 Member
    I agree, go slowly. And if you still can't do the runs, just repeat week 1 until you can do them (it doesn't matter how long it takes you, the end result will be the same). And then you can start increasing distance during week 2 etc.

    Oh, but I just wanted to make sure that there's no physical reason you can't run - I'm thinking something like knee issues or something. If so, maybe running really isn't for you?

    I'm just starting C25K as well and did week 2 run 2 last night. It is bloody hard!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    C25K got me running. The best tip I got and can pass on is to slow down. If you cannot speak simple sentences while you are running, you're going too fast. It sounds're probably thinking that you are already running so slow and can't go slower but you can.
    Concentrate on making it through the run sessions, in any way you can. Your stamina will grow. You'll feel amazing when you complete each day's training.
    Also, have your feet measured and your gait analyzed at a running shoe store. They are great at finding the right shoe for you, which will prevent injuries.
    So, go to a running store and get shoes fit to your feet (take an old pair of shoes with you so they can see your tread wear) and slow down while running.
    Have fun. C25K works. Congratulations on getting started.

  • MrsPaulSmith
    MrsPaulSmith Posts: 401 Member
    Its excruciating at first! You feel like a complete wimp and like everything you are doing is a waste of time. But couch to 5k got me up to 3 miles 3 days a week in 3 months. Just worked out that way. I was a bit slower than the program, but it definitely works.
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    I started C25K three different times. I think the kicker is "couch" to 5K is a misnomer :p I'm planning on starting it yet again, but not until I work my stamina back up through other exercise for a while.

    The first time I started, I injured my knee and had to stop. Tried again, and injured my calf.. had to start over. The third time I made it to week 9 (and I was SO proud), and then i tore a ligament in my foot...

    For me, I *had* to have a treadmill with a fan. Had to. I'm sure it was in my head, but I had to. Secondly, I *had* to have my own music amped-up playlist to 'run' to, otherwise I couldn't empty my mind of "oh my God, how much longer?!?!"

    I think the advice to take it slow is great. I'd also say don't be afraid to repeat a week if you feel you need to. It should be a challenge for sure, but it shouldn't be abject misery.
  • andreacason
    andreacason Posts: 8 Member
    Go slow! You will build up to going faster as you get used to it! I tend to repeat the days a lot, right now I am alternating between week 6 day 1 and week 6 day 2. Take your time, listen to some good music, and check your heart rate. Love this app!
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Definitely go slowly! I completed the program, meaning I can now run for 30 minutes at a time. But I can't do 5k in 30 mins. I run at about 6-7km/hr so I guess it's more of a slow jog/shuffle type thing but it is the only way I can do it. No shame in it though! I am proud that I managed to do it at all :blushing:
    Complete the program once at a slower speed and then do it again at a faster pace perhaps? And don't be afraid to repeat sessions if you feel you need to.

    I did mine on treadmill, for many reasons. I watched 30 Rock to keep me entertained otherwise I would have died of boredom after the first session. Do what you gotta do to get through it! Or alternatively find a different exercise that you really enjoy :smile:

    Best of luck!
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    I am doing a similar program to C25K through my local running store.

    We have group runs twice a week and I am always in the back of the pack at my 18 min mile pace.

    The coaches and mentors keep saying slow down. You are only going to do yourself harm if you go too fast

    No one is judging you but you. Its not a contest. Its a program to help get you running

    I agree with repeating week one as many times as you need until you can do the full minute runs for all the intervals.

    Then move on and if you have problems again, repeat that week until you can do it completely.
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    I'm starting over again after an epic fail in the middle of week 5 or 6 I believe it was and that was a few months back.
    (October maybe)
    My problem now is where do I start from. I don't want to set myself up for failure by starting where I think I left off but I don't think that I need to start from W1D1 again either. I guess I'll scroll through the weeks and see what I feel like I can achieve without over doing it.
    I was going to start over again today but my son and I biked 8.2 miles yesterday so I didn't think that I wanted to push my legs that hard just starting over again.
    Any thoughts?
  • PnnyLane
    PnnyLane Posts: 11 Member
    The best piece of advice I can give is to SLOW DOWN. If you're running and you think you can run slower, then you're going too fast. At first, your running might be more of a shuffle--you should have a short stride, with your feet barely barely coming off the ground. I know it's terribly frustrating, but it's better to go slowly now than to injure yourself and be sidelined for weeks. Also, on your non-running days, cross-train. Walk, cycle, do yoga, strength something that isn't running. It's important to do something that works your other muscles. I find that for me, cycling is a great complement to running, and that the more I cycle, the better my running gets, and vice versa.

    Also, some people have a hard time with the C25K program. You might try this one instead, which has you listen to body rather than follow a set interval.

    I'm a runner who is getting back into running after an injury and life getting in the way, so feel free to add me as a friend if you want some running support!
  • MicheleMMK
    MicheleMMK Posts: 16 Member
    Great replies! I need to get back at it. Tips from a still-trying-several times over person: I go so slow that turtles could pass me. But running uses different muscles than walking, so even when you're going slowly, you're training those new muscles. I found that the Treadmill is 10x easier to progress on than outside. Repeat weeks if you need for as long as you need. You're still building fitness at any level. Good luck to you!!!
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    Ok so going back through my journal I had made it all the way to W8D2!!!! Why did I stop!!!!! Starting over again......