Anyone Looking for Support!

Hey guys!

It's my 42 day streak (yay!) and I realized how despite the fact that I've been logging for over a month, I STILL feel like a beginner!

So, I am looking for people who are in a similar boat as me
- not loosing a CRAZY amount of calories during exercises (I'm looking at you 800+ burn a day all-stars! sorry!)
- are trying to slowly make their way into a better and healthier diet)!
- who are struggling and simply just want support :)
- (a bonus) anyone with the fitbit zip [just got mine yesterday and is still confused!]

Post away, feel free to add me and keep up the hard work - fitness is not a quick and easy fix, but it's doable!


  • hallf13
    hallf13 Posts: 7
    I could use all the support I can get. I have ways to go on my journey, and my motivation is starting to wane. I try to work out in the early morning, however it has been harder and harder to get out of bed. When I first started, I was really gung ho and got out of bed and to the gym by 5:30. Now, I am lucky to get there by 6:30. I know I need to go, but the want to is gone. Sound crazy?

    I am always looking for people in the same boat as me, you are more than welcome to add me if you like.