I'm a newbie too!

Hello all.
New to the site and thanks to my friend Steph for turning me on to it! I am not going to call this journey a "diet" because that is usually something you undertake for a short and I mean SHORT period of time but do it OVER and OVER and OVER again. What I am going to do is change my habits and therefore my lifestyle to live a healthier and happier life! I think the ability to document, track and share with the help of this site will assist me in accompolishing that! I have struggled with those 15-20 pounds now for years and want to rid myself of it for GOOD! I know that ultimately any goal requires mind over matter to get it accompolished and it is time for me to stop wishing it away, thinking tomorrow will be "the day" or whatever and just do what I need to do to get the results I want and need for me!

Best of luck to all of "myfitnesspal" friends out there!


  • lynne_p
    lynne_p Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You're right in choosing a lifestyle change as opposed to a diet. Every small step along the way can lead to big results. You will find everyone on this site very enthusiastic and helpful. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need some motivation and encouragement. :drinker:
  • suzie68
    i have not been here that long bt it works to me just answere to the computer really helps and i am tryin realy hard to stay under my calories for the day , but i just wanted to say welcome and good luck
  • mommy2r
    mommy2r Posts: 16 Member
    I'm also a newbie, 4 days in, and am loving this site! I agree, it's a lifestyle change, not a diet (because we all know that "diet" is just "DIE" with a T at the end :laugh: Best of luck, we're all in this together! :flowerforyou:
  • lessman29
    I feel the exact same way about the word diet and I chose to use the words "eating healthy" :smile: I have been using the mobile app for sometime and have just recently decided to start using the web site now that I am getting serious about losing weight. Please feel free to add me if you feel that it will help you! Good luck in all your ventures!