In need of some support and motivation :)

In major need of some friends to keep me on track with my healthy lifestyle habits.

A little about me -
I'm 19 years old and finally ready to kick my unhealthy habits in the butt.
I started MFP last year and got down to my goal weight after losing 30 pounds. A few months later, I got my first job and found it harder and harder to keep up with my healthy lifestyle. My eating habits became horrendous, (free Buffalo Wild Wings food every day was so hard to turn down!) and even with all the extra activity I started getting from working in a restaurant, I still managed to put back on the 30 pounds...and then some. I've been trying lately to make healthy choices, but I've been having a hard time staying motivated.

Starting tomorrow, April 1st, I'm ready to say goodbye to all of the excuses. I'm ready to get back to a healthier, happier me.

I'm hoping to find some friends with similar goals, and/or those who have any advice or words of inspiration. I would really, really appreciate it. :)


  • MayaDyra
    MayaDyra Posts: 90
    Good for you for wanting to be healthy, at such a young age! You are very responsible =) Does Buffalo Wings serve any healthier options