Advice for exercises with a bad back and hips

At this point I can't even walk without pain I have to take medicine just to struggle through my reduced shift at work. I'm hoping in a month I can start walking again, even 5 minutes a day.
I've got moderate arthritis in my back and its spreading to hips. Its genetic, and won't lie it scares me to death that I saw my grandmother wheel chair bound at 50 b/c of it.

I know loosing weight will help and the weather improving should ease it off some, but other than walking what are some exercises once my back feels better would help tone me up


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I'm not clear on which movements cause you pain, but possibly swimming, possibly cycling, possibly planks and upper body strength training. You probably should see a physical therapist and/or sports doctor, and get a customized plan from them.

    In the mean time, eat fewer calories to shed the pounds.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Honestly to start I would think mostly diet and walking would be enough. Once you build up your walking times you could consider adding more exercises in. Core work is good because those muscles support your low back and pelvis.

    I too have arthritis in my back and hips that appears to be genetic and progressive. Believe it or not walking really makes me feel better once I get moving. Sitting and even lying down too long really flare up my pain. I went to PT for awhile but the exercises we were doing were a lot of what I did at home anyhow and I have developed a decent fitness routine over the past year at home. I started with just walking and then gradually moved up to some weight lifting. I'm still experimenting on my lifting plan to see what does and doesn't flare up my pain so hopefully someday I'll be able to offer more solid suggestions on that front. I will say yoga and pilates are good to add on after you get your walking times up! Very gentle on the joints and easy to modify to what feels comfortable for you.

    You can add me if you like. Like I said I have arthritis and I also had brain surgery for a Chiari Malformation so I've learned a bit about working around chronic conditions!

    Edited to add: I found eliminating all artificial sweeteners improved my pain levels. Not sure that works for everyone but it did help me! I just drink plain tea now and you get used to it.