Support from SOs

I've been doing South Beach Phase 1 for about 2.5 weeks and I was really struggling last week to exercise and make healthy food choices because my live-in fiance was doing and eating whatever he wanted.

On Sunday, I convinced him to start eating healthy with me and going for runs every day and my motivation has skyrocketed! I feel like I'm making good choices for both our sakes and it's so much easier to eat healthy when he's not bringing home fast food every night.

I guess the whole point of this is that weight loss is a ton more fun when you have someone by your side going through the same thing! Don't be afraid to ask the people around you for support! :happy:


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I agree that support is wonderful. However, I think a person can be supportive without having to adopt the same changes that I am. My husband is a huge source of support, and he'll sit down every night and eat an entire bag of chips or a pint of Ben and Jerry's Red Velvet Cake. I don't feel that he is being unsupportive or making it harder for me by eating the foods he wants to eat. I don't see anything wrong with asking for support, but it's important to acknowledge that support doesn't necessarily mean doing the same thing to hold the other person accountable. The motivation and accountability are ultimately a personal responsibility.
  • Tofteberg
    Tofteberg Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in the middle on this. I agree the people supporting u don't have to do everything u do. However, eating a bag a chips and Ben and Jerry's every night doesn't seem supportive of either a healthy lifestyle or a diet. My husband sometimes eats like a kid when it comes to junk food but he is a runner and sheds fat. To help support me he is keeping his chip habit out of the house as he knows that's a food I sometimes crave. My flip side is that it seems unrealistic to expect your SO to go on a diet because you do. I'm wishy washy!
  • sarpearbear22
    sarpearbear22 Posts: 15 Member
    I completely agree, keygeyser! Being supportive doesn't necessarily mean a lifestyle change. I should have worded that differently.

    I've never seriously dieted before now, and I have been keeping myself accountable, but it does make things easier when there are fewer sources of temptation and essentially a 24/7 running partner. It's a two-way street - we pick each other up when motivation drops.

    And I made it clear from the beginning that I never expected him to go on this diet with me. It's completely unfair to do that. I guess he's just been seeing my results and how much happier I've been with my body and wanted to try it himself!
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    My financee is my running partner and lifting partner....I couldn't have it any other way...non-exerciser = deal breaker.
  • kota4bye
    kota4bye Posts: 809 Member
    We're tracking our cal and we generally work out 3 times a week with each other.
  • Predat0r1502
    Predat0r1502 Posts: 45 Member

    Working out is my thing. I like doing it alone.
  • livelaughloveandfitness
    Great job! It always helps when you have supporting people around you! I couldnt pay my boyfriend to work out haha But i cook pretty healthy food so he eat pretty healthy and hes real active at work so he keeps in shape! Feel free to add me :)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I think it's great when you can find support or share the healthy eating habits / exercise with someone. But, for me, I need to be able to do it on my own, regardless of what the people around me are doing. If husband wants fast food or brings me home candy, I need to be able to say no or say maybe later if I can. And usually, I can have it later if I work out. I have tried to get my husband to do the healthy thing with me, but he's not as keen on it as I am. He will work out with me once in a while if I ask, and he has no issue eating healthy meals if I cook them, so that is a bonus - but it's not always easy or possible to convince people to change. It took quite a while for me to convince him to start letting me buy healthier things, like olive oil, skim milk, etc. It's not an issue at all now, because I've talked to him so much about the benefits to his health just changing his diet a little can have (as well as exercise) and he is a logical person, so he sees the merit in these things.

    Not everyone takes facts and uses them to improve their lives, though. A lot of people stay in denial or just don't care, and we have to accept that. Your decisions shouldn't depend on others' decisions, but I do understand how it would be easier to make good decisions if those around you are doing the same.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I agree it is much easier with someone on the same path. My husband and I both lost a considerable amount of weight before we met, although he was much closer to goal and very fit. But he is a wonderful support for me and also we help each other keep it real. For example if we eat a crazy small lunch and dinner, one of us will be like "Let's get chicken nuggets for me, and for you some fries!" and there's no shame in that because we eat well 95% of the time! He cooks lighter for us and I love the food he makes. Just today it was split pea soup with amazing spices, carrots with hummus, and we shared some delicious dark chocolate (each eating one square). I feel really lucky to have a similar diet and lifestyle! Definitely makes it easier.