How I Met Your Mother Finale...*Spoilers*



  • Joanne_happygramma
    Joanne_happygramma Posts: 207 Member
    Had to say I was shocked wanted a different ending but in hindsight realized what they might have been saying. We have the Reason, Season and Lifetime people in our lives and it turned out the Mother was a Season for Ted and Robin always was the lifetime. As someone that was widowed and found love again I love seeing someone find love again after losing what you thought was the love of your life. I even have a widowed friend that has found love again with her first boyfriend from high school. So it's just a mirror of what can happen in real life -- ok not all of it. I did enjoy the comedy in the show but always loved how they tackled reality. Marshall's father's death was an incredibly powerful episode.
  • jess_1993
    jess_1993 Posts: 151 Member
    I was so upset with the ending! Ted waited SO LONG to finally meet his wife and get married just so she could die early leaving him alone again! Robin should of just stayed with Barney :/
  • Pelly57
    Pelly57 Posts: 169 Member
    I liked it. I liked that it showed that you can love more than one person in your life. Although it was rushed through, I felt that Ted really did love Tracy, and was there for her to the end, and I have no doubt would have grown old loving her had she lived. But, Robin was his soulmate, and it was fitting that in the end they ended up together. I just wish they had spent more time this last season showing us what they did in the last episode. It felt rushed to me.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    I liked it. I liked that it showed that you can love more than one person in your life. Although it was rushed through, I felt that Ted really did love Tracy, and was there for her to the end, and I have no doubt would have grown old loving her had she lived. But, Robin was his soulmate, and it was fitting that in the end they ended up together. I just wish they had spent more time this last season showing us what they did in the last episode. It felt rushed to me.

    I can't agree with the "Robin was his soulmate" bit. It reminded me of two people who were ultimately not a fit and bad for each other, but were so comfortable with so many of their life experiences that they ended up together. I think in reality, this does happen but not that often. I didn't feel any Ted/Robin chemistry for a long time now. There were moments of Ted pining away for her, and moments when you thought that maybe Robin was having buyers remorse with Barney...but ultimately I couldn't bring myself to think that Robin would ever care for Ted as much as he cared for her. That was one of those relationships - I've had my own - that were great at the time, but best to just let a dead dog lie.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I liked it. I liked that it showed that you can love more than one person in your life. Although it was rushed through, I felt that Ted really did love Tracy, and was there for her to the end, and I have no doubt would have grown old loving her had she lived. But, Robin was his soulmate, and it was fitting that in the end they ended up together. I just wish they had spent more time this last season showing us what they did in the last episode. It felt rushed to me.

    I can't agree with the "Robin was his soulmate" bit. It reminded me of two people who were ultimately not a fit and bad for each other, but were so comfortable with so many of their life experiences that they ended up together. I think in reality, this does happen but not that often. I didn't feel any Ted/Robin chemistry for a long time now. There were moments of Ted pining away for her, and moments when you thought that maybe Robin was having buyers remorse with Barney...but ultimately I couldn't bring myself to think that Robin would ever care for Ted as much as he cared for her. That was one of those relationships - I've had my own - that were great at the time, but best to just let a dead dog lie.
    I also think it was a disservice to show the episode where Robin's parents' relationship was such a parallel to hers and Barney's, then end it as though, while it was parallel, it was also different because they were two different people, but then it ended the same way, anyway.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,154 Member
    Ok, I may give it a shot.

    I recommend it. You and I have discussed our Lost heartbreak, and this is nothing like that. It's a light hearted comedy, no mysteries to solve.

    Except for the pineapple. Which, like Lost, never was answered.
    Damnit! I want to know about the pineapple!

    It has been confirmed that the DVD will answer one more question that wasn't shown on air, but it hasn't been stated what that question will be. Hoping that the extra is on the pineapple incident. I think most fans are.