
cupajo77 Posts: 2 Member
Hello all,
While I've been actively entering my food and exercise into the myfitpal app for 20 days now I haven't really "experimented" with the program as a whole. That being said, hello and best of luck to all of you who making changes (be it diet, exercise, or what ever to better your overall health)!
I am curious though, I workout at home using Focus T25, Insanity, the treadmill and running outdoors. What is the best comparison for the T25 and Insanity videos when adding that to the exercise log of my dairy?

I've heard that Insanity burns more calories than T25...thoughts? I can see where that's true only because you're working longer. I use mostly the Gamma and a few Beta programs on the T25...would those be comparable to Insanity you think?


  • cthomas4579
    cthomas4579 Posts: 5 Member
    There is a whole forum of folks talking about this in MFP -

    Most of which I expected - get yourself a good HRM - if you have an iPhone or smartphone they almost all come with a corresponding app that will calculate this for you. I use a beetsblu with iCardio app on my Samsung GS4 that works really nicely.. Haven't gotten to the level of doing the Insanity workout just yet, still chugging away at the gym on the mill and the 30 minute express at Planet Fitness.

    Good luck - hope this helps!