Afternoon Snacking!

kpopa Posts: 515 Member
Hello all. I've been struggling this past couple weeks with afternoon snacking. It seems that I wake up in the am, have a good breakfast around 6am, a snack around 9am, and then lunch at 12pm. The issue occurs AFTER lunch! I get back to my desk and feel the need to eat again. I know I'm not hungry but somehow I just keep putting food in my mouth. I manage to not go over my calories for the day so that's good, but I hate eating when I'm not hungry!!!

Any ideas? My diary is open for viewing. Keep in mind that although I don't log my water intake, I'm drinking at least 70 oz a day.

Thanks in advance for you help!


  • greyskies
    greyskies Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe your not getting enough protein in your diet. Try snacking on a piece of carb free cheese or a few almonds. I find if I eat alot of protein and cut out the carbs.. no bread/pasta,potatoes or sugar that I almost dont feel hungry at all. I almost have to make myself eat something just so I can eat. I have been about 300 calories per day under my calorie allowance and I feel pretty good.
  • AshleyLEldred
    I would suggest trying almonds. They have worked wonders for me. The other thing I have learned, is not to keep food at my desk. The temptation to eat is too high when it is within reach. Try storing it in another location, or else keeping very limited quantities on hand.
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    I liek to snack on almonds, skim milk string cheese or an apple with some reduced fat peanut butter.
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    I think the issue is mental as I know I'm not hungry when I'm eating. I like the idea of keeping food away from my desk! Thanks!
  • nycshiv
    i've got the snack jones too, but i'm ok with it ... your supposed to eat smaller portions like 5 times a day anyway. i used to eat a daily pop-tart or candy bar, but now i'm trying to eat nuts, trail mix, maybe a protein drink ....
  • ginastnly
    I always do a afternoon snack around 2:30-3:00. It usually consists of some type of fruit and string cheese. Are you getting enough protein? I notice if I eat more protein at lunch I am more satisfied and don't think about the snack. But as long as it is a healthy snack I wouldn't worry about it too much we are supposed to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals a day anyway it is better for us.