Feeling tired!

Yesterday I was feeling fantastic got 3 walks in ate really good then today ugh I am EXHAUSTED!!! I have a newborn at home and she just didn't want to go to bed last night then I woke up at one point and could not get back to sleep so I am super tired today which in turn makes me not want to eat healthy and I definitely don't want to exercise I just want to take a nap ;) And the other bad part is its snowing blah!!! Needing a little pick me up!


  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I'd try getting a walk in, even if it's a short one. I find that, even if I really don't want to work out, getting started is a great motivator. Once you're doing it, it's almost like, "Well, I might as well finish it." If you're too exhausted to work out, then take a rest day. Sleep is important, especially with a newborn. But don't skip the workout AND ditch eating healthy. Tell yourself it's one of three things:

    1. Be a superstar and both eat healthy AND exercise.
    2. Go for a good walk and, once it's over, you can have a little treat (don't go crazy).
    3. Skip the workout, get in some rest, but stick to healthy eating.

    If you convince yourself that there is no option number 4, then you'll get through today without regretting it tomorrow. :)