Who's not on a diet but under a calorie deficit and losing?

I've tried all sorts of diets and I can never stick with them. I can never stay consistent. The longest I've tried is a month of paleo with cheat days. So I've concluded that I'm not really a diet person to stick with the rules and limit myself to eat whatever I want.

BUT I am under a calorie deficit. And as much as I can actually restrain myself, I don't go overboard with junk food, fast food, and other 'unhealthy' food. I don't track macros but sometimes I think of how much carbs I've consumed.

Bottom line is: I just eat normally.

So usually my meals consist of a cup of white rice, some meat and/or veg. Have some fruit maybe. Or actually whatever I can whip up in the kitchen that satisfies me.

I just keep in mind I have a calorie deficit to uphold. Plus I work out.

So I'm just wondering if there's anyone just like me and who is losing weight/gaining muscle/burning fat without having to limit themselves too much on what they eat.

As I've said, I've been inconsistent with my road to weight loss. But now I'm really changing things because honestly, having gained weight and people calling you fat isn't something worth experiencing.

FYI: I don't log my food anymore because before, I was really addicted to it and I didn't feel good about it. Kinda like a disorder thing but that's just me. I do however keep mental notes on what I eat so I know how many calories I've consumed.

Stats: 5'2, 19yo, 120lbs, currently working out through Insanity/kettlebell


  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    i had cake last night. :wink:

    i eat what i like, when i want to. just not maybe as MUCH as i want to.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I haven't "dieted" since I joined here and started logging.

    I don't mind logging or counting calories and I don't feel it's obsessive or "disordered" just a way for me to keep track.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    To me, logging is a way to hold myself accountable. I also pre-log, which really helps me not use up all of my calories before lunch. I plan my meals so I know exactly what I can eat and when. I don't think it's obsessive, but I'm sure some people might think it is. I say, it's working, so why not keep doing it? I actually have a lot of fun with it every week when I'm planning meals for the next week. This is how I create my grocery list.

    I don't call what I'm doing a "diet" - I call it eating healthy and working out. If it was a diet, it would be temporary. I don't plan on this being temporary. And yes, I plan on logging even after these last 8 lbs are gone.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Being that diets don't work, and life style changes do, I've opted for the latter.

    When I did the grocery shopping on Sunday, I bought a pack of rum balls. Instant portion control.
  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    I still eat all the foods I like... just in moderation. I make dinner at home during the week and we go out to eat on the weekends. I don't consider myself being on a diet because I don't feel really restricted or forced to eat things I don't want to. I do try to make our favorite foods healthier though. I also go to the gym 3-4 times a week too. I'm at a 60 pound loss right now so this works for me.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I have never been on one of the type of "diets" like you're talking about and so far I have lost 116 lb since 2008.

    MFP just helped speed things up.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I've tried all sorts of diets and I can never stick with them. I can never stay consistent. The longest I've tried is a month of paleo with cheat days. So I've concluded that I'm not really a diet person to stick with the rules and limit myself to eat whatever I want.

    BUT I am under a calorie deficit. And as much as I can actually restrain myself, I don't go overboard with junk food, fast food, and other 'unhealthy' food. I don't track macros but sometimes I think of how much carbs I've consumed.

    Bottom line is: I just eat normally.

    So usually my meals consist of a cup of white rice, some meat and/or veg. Have some fruit maybe. Or actually whatever I can whip up in the kitchen that satisfies me.

    I just keep in mind I have a calorie deficit to uphold. Plus I work out.

    So I'm just wondering if there's anyone just like me and who is losing weight/gaining muscle/burning fat without having to limit themselves too much on what they eat.

    As I've said, I've been inconsistent with my road to weight loss. But now I'm really changing things because honestly, having gained weight and people calling you fat isn't something worth experiencing.

    FYI: I don't log my food anymore because before, I was really addicted to it and I didn't feel good about it. Kinda like a disorder thing but that's just me. I do however keep mental notes on what I eat so I know how many calories I've consumed.

    Stats: 5'2, 19yo, 120lbs, currently working out through Insanity/kettlebell

    The majority of successful people on this website don't "diet" in the way you are referring to. Heck, most of us can enjoy eating ice cream every night and stay within our calorie goals. And *gasp* I ate Mc Donald's once a week when I was losing my pregnancy weight. It's possible. So eat what you enjoy in moderation and don't sweat the small stuff.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I dont diet. Never have. If I want to drop a little weight, I do it through running. I keep an eye on my calorie consumption but it goes over all the time and I dont care. Most of those days or weeks it is because I need them to fuel all my running and prevent injuries. I eat any type of food I want. Also, eating 4 or 5 times a day rather than 3 prevents me going overboard at a buffet. I also drink ALOT of water.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I'm doing the same thing. I eat small portions of mostly nutritious foods and exercise 2 to 3 days a week. Within reason I figure if I eat about a cup of food pre sitting I can eat whatever I want and still be at a deficit.

    I don't want to change my eating habits when I reach my goal.

    It can take longer but hopefully last longer too.

    Good luck
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    All very sensible and I couldn't agree more! After all, "going on a diet" often implies that one will go OFF the diet, with the weight returning and then some. Real change is only possible when one creates new healthier habits that one can sustain for the long term. Since food happens, usually at least 3 times a day and one can't just blow it off like one can with quitting smoking or alcohol, one has to find ways of making peace, learning to make better choices both in quality and portions of food, also getting in more physical activity - it all works together as lifestyle adjustment. Consider this - back in the day(like back in the '50s and 60s for instance) people just ate 3 meals a day, of wholesome food, no snacking, and there wasn't nearly the amount of obesity that there is today. If someone did indeed need to drop some weight, they would tend to limit starchy foods and sweet things. Also, portions in general weren't anywhere near as huge as they are today. I'm usually shocked on the rare occasions when I go out to eat and see how large portions are and people eating the whole thing, where in fact it's enough for 2 days worth of food LOL! It's coming around again that sugar(and of course the evil HFCS) and refined starches are worse offenders than fat is(healthy fats that is).
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I haven't "dieted" since I joined here and started logging.

    I don't mind logging or counting calories and I don't feel it's obsessive or "disordered" just a way for me to keep track.

    This... i eat whatever foods I want, but I log daily. I do have goals of hitting my protein number daily (30% of my calories) but if I miss one day, I don't stress. In terms of weight loss, it doesn't matter what you eat. In terms of satiety and body composition, then you should worry about macronutrients (fats and protein).
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    it should be a life style change not a diet.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    I haven't dieted since I dabbled in South Beach about 10 years ago.
    Apparently if I go without carbs I get cranky and punch people. True story.

    I don't DIET.

    I make better-ish choices and make sure I'm at a deficit every week.

    (I'm eating peanut M & Ms and skittles instead of the rest of my lunch.)
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I haven't diet since 1998. I eat at a deficiency and I am losing weight. Perhaps it would help to take some time and read this link.


    You can do it but you need to put in the work.